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Monster Hunter World Introduces Lunastra, The Latest Elder Dragon (VIDEO)

Monster Hunter World

Teostra is an aggressive Elder Dragon within Monster Hunter World which can give even the most seasoned of players a difficult time if they’re not careful. Wrapped in flames, the creature is capable of creating a dangerous aura of fire and brimstone. The creature is known to fight alongside their female counterpart, Lunastra which was absent during the initial release of Monster Hunter World. Now the female fire lion is making a return to the series to lay claim to her rightful place as Empress of Flame among Elder Dragons as a new update arrives.

According to a recent blog post from Capcom,

Thanks to the help from all the hunters of the Fifth Fleet, the ecosystems of the New World continue to thrive and flourish. Incidentally, this bloom of bioenergy also makes it a very welcoming spot for all manner of species. We’ve seen it happen with the arrival of Deviljho and the resurgence of Kulve Taroth, and now another Elder Dragon is on its way: Lunastra.”

While Lunastra isn’t new to the series, she continues to be deadly in her own right with new tricks and abilities that will challenge even the strongest of Hunters. In order to survive encounters with this majestic beast, paying attention to surrounding environment is a must. As an added threat, Lunastra has also learned from Hunters that there is strength in numbers and will pair up with her mate for devastating attacks.

Defeating this terrifying foe will prove to be well worth the challenge yielding rewards in the form of new crafting materials. Said materials can form new weapons and armor for Hunters and their Palico companions to use in their fight for survival. Capcom added:

The Smithy was able to master the technique for combining a Bazelgeuse Gem to unlock the “Guts” skill, adding a tactical defensive ability to Lunastra weapons. Materials from Nergigante and Xeno’jiiva have also shown the potential to resonate with Lunastra, so check with the Smithy when you’ve successfully completed your hunt against Lunastra.”

Alongside the Empress of Flame, another new challenge has arrived in the form of “Arch-Tempered Dragons” which are even more difficult than the ones Hutners have faced so far. The Lunastra update has arrived on Monster Hunter World as of May 31st for free to players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. PC players will still need to wait for a release sometime this Fall. Let us know your thoughts on Lunastra’s arrival in Monster Hunter World and more in the comments section below. As always, don’t forget to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for 24/7 coverage of all things gaming and entertainment.

Chris Calles1560 Posts

Known as "Stash" or Yippee Calles. He's a student of everything, avid adrenaline junkie, and creator of random things. When he's not delving into a game, book, or movie - He's out teaching himself new things or taking part in some pretty epic adventures. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.


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