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Overwatch’s IRL Lucio Chats Up His Team at Blizzard HQ – It is Glorious! (VIDEO)

In the following twitter compilation, Jonny Cruz (Lúcio) records the interactions between him and the other Overwatch voice actors chilling at Blizzard headquarters. I actively squealed. The chemistry is real! The natural, friendly, and playful interactions (obviously scripted) between them must speak volumes on how well they get along in the work place. Let it be said, when I start watching an animated series, or play a video game – often times it doesn’t occur to me the work and people behind the voices. It doesn’t take a lot of work to find out, of course. Typically, I’m busier enjoying the game, or series. I’m enamored by their voices because they bring it to life. That is why things like the SAG-AFTRA is so important!

Pretty sure I smashed the play button enough times, just to hear their beautiful voices over and over again. I’m not going to lie, though, some faces didn’t match their voice. Regardless, they are all glorious. Every single one of them. Their passion and talent obviously makes the game. If it were not for voice actors, so many players would not fall in love with characters with as much fervor.

As you can see from recent activity, the team here at Don’t Feed the Gamers are big fans of Overwatch, and many other titles in the Blizzard game line. Quite a few of us are avid players and can’t get enough! Also, if you haven not already noticed, the video by Cruz finalizes how one says “Torbjorn”. Every person I know always says it with a different finesse, and usually very dramatic, but they’ve all been in the ballpark. And, according to Lucio, “Genji has no chill”. I died.

What do you think of the video? Am I just overreacting, or isn’t it amazing? Let us know in the comments down below!

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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