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WATCH: New Call Of Duty: WWII Trailer Showcases Nazi Zombies In “The Darkest Hour”

Nazi Zombies Expansion

The teams at Sledgehammer and Activision welcome 2018 with Call of Duty: WWII first DLC pack called “The Resistance”. Within this pack, players will be greeted with the a Nazi Zombies expansion titled “The Darkest Shore.” Fans of the title have already been enjoying the fast-paced action of the current fight against the undead, but the trailer below will leave everyone wondering “What the hell is waiting for us on this island”?

The Darkest Hour definitely looks terrifying and filled with threats from the undead, as well as Nazi pilots waiting to rain hell on you from the sky. Between the zombies crowded around the island, and those waiting to emerge from surrounding water – one wonders how the player base will even survive this campaign. Based on the trailer though, the regular “day-to-day” zombies that we are used to are just cannon fodder compared to the hellish ghouls that await us in the depths of this chasm.

In the description of the video, the team behind the game provided the following details on the upcoming expansion:

The Darkest Shore follows our heroes into the next chapter of their dangerous journey. Only days after the horrific disaster of Mittelburg, the crew has received intel that suggests Doktor Straub is on an island just north of Germany. Blanketed in fog, this island is surrounded by Nazi air and sea power – and crawling with the Undead. Marie, Drostan, Olivia, and Jefferson will need to battle all this and more to uncover the mysteries hidden within the Darkest Shore.

Players can look forward to this Nazi Zombies expansion, as well as the rest of The Resistance DLC pack, arriving first to PlayStation 4, on January 30th.

What do you think about this new Nazi Zombies expansion? What type of creatures do you think we will face? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

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Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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