Original Half-Life Writer Acted As Consultant For Half-life: Alyx

Late last year, the folks over at Valve announced that after a ridiculously long wait, a new game in the Half-Life series was finally on its way. Unfortunately, it would not be a sequel to Episode 2 as everyone had hoped, and would instead act as a prequel to Half-Life 2. Thankfully, although Half-Life: Alyx is by no means the game folks wanted, it will at least retain some of that classic original series charm thanks to some help from one of the folks that worked on the original games.
The news comes by way of Prima Games, which reported that the folks over at Valve spoke in a recent Reddit AMA about getting writer Marc Laidlaw on board to assist with aspects of the new game’s story. “He’s been super generous with his time throughout the development of HL:A, Answering many questions from Erik [Wolpaw], Jay [Pinkerton], and Sean [Vanaman] as they hammered away on the story,” Valve revealed.
As is always the case with Marc, we send him an email, and he sends us a response, and then roughly 40 more replies to his own email.”
This likely won’t detract from the fact that the new game is certainly not Half-Life 3, though at least the team has the right people in place to make the title just as memorable as the other entries in the series. Here’s the break of the upcoming title courtesy of Valve:
“Playing as Alyx Vance, you are humanity’s only chance for survival. The Combine’s control of the planet since the Black Mesa incident has only strengthened as they corral the remaining population in cities. Among them are some of Earth’s greatest scientists: you and your father, Dr. Eli Vance. As founders of a fledgling Resistance, you’ve continued your clandestine scientific activity—performing critical research, and building invaluable tools for the few humans brave enough to defy the Combine.”
Half-Life: Alyx is slated to release in March 2020.
So, thoughts on Marc Laidlaw working on the new game? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!
Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts
Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.