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New Overwatch Patch Changes Up Mercy, Lucio, And Cultist Zenyatta

New Overwatch patch

With Overwatch‘s Halloween Terror 2017 event in full swing, players are taking on hordes and opposing gamers to get their hands on some of the sweet loot available. With the new spooky-themed celebration going on, a ton of new appropriate skins are available for a handful of heroes. One such skin is that of Cultist Zenyatta. Taking on the form of a Cthulhu-esque creature, the one with peace has now become one with nothingness. Of course, new events typically mean fresh voicelines for our heroes. As far as Cultist Zenyatta goes, however, even more phrases have been added with a new Overwatch patch release by Blizzard.

Of course, that isn’t the only thing that the new Overwatch patch brought with it. A few tweaks to Mercy have also been activated. When using her Guardian Angel ability, players can now glide past their ally simply by using the jump key. As an added bonus, “Cooldown no longer resets when Resurrect is activated.” For her new ultimate, Valkyrie, it won’t reset or reduce Resurrection’s cooldown, but it will provide gamers with an additional resurrection charge. Here’s what Blizzard has to say about Mercy’s changes:

Valkyrie no longer resets or reduces Resurrect’s cooldown. Instead, it now provides an extra ‘charge,’ allowing you to revive an ally even if it is still on cooldown. If the bonus charge hasn’t been spent when Valkyrie ends, it will be removed.

This method makes Resurrect more flexible when used with Valkyrie. For example, in the past if you wanted to resurrect two teammates, you had to revive the first target, then activate Valkyrie (causing the Resurrect’s cooldown to reset), and then revive the other target. With this change, you can now activate Valkyrie and fly in quickly to resurrect both targets instantly.

However, this still reduces the overall number of Resurrects that Mercy can provide, since Valkyrie no longer reduces its cooldown.”

Due to a recent bug fix, Lucio’s Wall Ride was slowed down quite a bit. The new Overwatch patch addresses this by increasing the speed boost that Lucio gains upon completing a wall ride by 65%. A couple bug fixes also join the mix and they are as follows:

  • Fixed a bug preventing Mercy’s momentum from slowing down correctly when Guardian Angel was canceled
  • Fixed a bug preventing the visual effects on Sombra’s Pumpkinette victory pose from displaying correctly

Also, PC players will now be able to “set their social status to Online, Away, Busy, or Appear Offline .” Blizzard notes that your friends will still be able to see you while using Appear Offline, but only in the event that you are placed in the same match as them. If you’re trying to avoid playing with comrades, be sure to hang around game modes that they don’t frequent. Even though that’s everything, you can check out the patch notes for yourself right here.

The new Overwatch patch is currently live across all platforms. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as more goodness comes to Blizzard’s FPS, and for other gaming news, check out the following:

What say you, heroes? Are you glad that the new Overwatch patch brings additional Cultist Zenyatta voicelines with it? What are your thoughts on the other changes? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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