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14 Year Old Cheater Uploads Video Discussing Fortnite Lawsuit – Fails Miserably (VIDEO)

Fortnite Lawsuit

Earlier this week, it was reported that one of the players being sued by Fortnite creator Epic Games was a 14 year old boy after he was found cheating. His mother was quick to come to her son’s legal aid claiming that Epic Games was using the boy as a scapegoat rather than chasing down the real problem, the people who make the cheating programs. While that claim seems ridiculous enough, the boy has gone out of his way to show the world just how much he really doesn’t care by uploading a video about the Fortnite lawsuit. Forewarning, the video is cringe-worthy and you’ll want to root for Epic Games if you aren’t already.

According to this upstanding young man, he did in fact break the terms and conditions repeatedly and was banned each time for using cheats and promoting them while streaming. However, he’s taken issue with the fact that Epic Games is holding him accountable for his actions claiming he did nothing wrong, he was “just having fun.” It’s no big deal really, committing a crime is perfectly acceptable when it’s in the name of fun after all.

For most of the video, he runs in circles ranting about how he doesn’t cheat to win, he just cheats to stream and have fun and that’s somehow a big difference. SkyOrbit describes the bots used while he was cheating with and where he got them, which is one of the claims mentioned in the Fortnite lawsuit. He then has the audacity to claim it has no negative effect on the community and continues to claim that Fortnite’s allegations are bogus.

Fortnite has banned thousands and thousands of cheaters in Fortnite for the exact reasons SkyOrbit claims to be unaccountable for. Regardless of the ongoing situation, this kid has become the poster child of “git gud, scrub.” Do you think Epic is in the wrong for pursing the suit? How do you think this video will hold up in court? Let us know your thoughts on the SkyOrbit vs Fortnite lawsuit and more in the comments section below. As always don’t forget to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for 24/7 coverage of all things gaming and entertainment.

Chris Calles1560 Posts

Known as "Stash" or Yippee Calles. He's a student of everything, avid adrenaline junkie, and creator of random things. When he's not delving into a game, book, or movie - He's out teaching himself new things or taking part in some pretty epic adventures. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.


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