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WATCH: Street Fighter V Data Mine Reveals Arcade Edition Stages And New Mode

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition will be making its way to gamers’ preferred platform in the next month, and while we already have an inkling of what to expect from the collected fighting game, there also looks to be surprises in store as well. A recent data mine has unveiled some of those unknowns, revealing several Arcade Edition stages as well as the presence of an all-new mode.

In the video below, data miner X-Kira showcases their noteworthy Street Fighter V findings, which includes the new mode called Boss Rush. The challenge allows players to battle the numerous enemies from the game’s Story Mode, offering match-ups between both boss-level foes and the considerably smaller potatoes. X-Kira also lists 20 fighting arenas from throughout the series that are believed to be in the final product, but have yet to be officially confirmed by Capcom.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition Stages

  • Final Fight
    – Metro City Slums, U.S.A. (Cody stage)
  • Street Fighter II
    – Amazon River Basin, Brazil (Blanka stage)
    – Ayutthaya Temple Ruins, Thailand (Sagat stage)
    – Battle Harbor, U.S.A. (Ken stage)
    – Big Factory, Russia (Zangief stage)
    – Maharaja’s Palace, India (Dhalsim stage)
  • Street Fighter Alpha 2
    – Beijing, China (Chun-Li stage)
    – Detroit Highway, U.S.A. (Nash stage)
    – Field in a Thunderstorm, Australia
    – Ridge Overlooking Guyana Falls, Venezuela (M. Bison stage)
    – W.C. in the London underground, England (Birdie stage)
  • Street Fighter Alpha 3
    – Hana Shotengai, Japan (Karin & Sakura stage)
  • Street Fighter III: New Generation
    – A Road in Kyoto, Japan (Ibuki stage)
  • Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
    – Olmec Ruins, Mexico (Urien stage)
    – Subway Station, U.S.A. (Alex stage)
  • Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
    – Egypt (Menat stage)
    – Neo Shadaloo Headquarters, Unknown Location (Falke stage?)
    – Neo Shadaloo, Unknown Location (Ed stage)
    – Nguhhao Palace (F.A.N.G stage)
    – “Rainbow Ring” Japan (Rainbow Mika stage)
    – Russia (Kolin stage)
    – Shadaloo Corridor A
    – “Strider” Base (Zeku stage)

Street Fighter V is gearing up to begin its third season of content this month, starting with the introduction of six new characters. Among the roster additions are a few fan favorites making their way into the game in 2018. Street Fighter V‘s first new character drops on January 16th, while the Arcade Edition releases for PC and PlayStation 4 on the same day.

What do you think? Are you hoping to play a few of these Arcade Edition stages when the game finally releases, or are you more looking forward to Season 3’s slate of DLC? Let us know in the comments and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more newsworthy leaks from recent weeks, check out these next few links below:

Eric Hall2712 Posts

Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.


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