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RUMOR: Emma Stone May be in Kojima Productions’ Death Stranding

Emma Stone

Famed video game director Hideo Kojima has us all eagerly awaiting his next game Death Stranding. The new title will be the first under Kojima’s new company, Kojima Productions. The director and his company have been keeping a pretty tight lid on the project. Even with two trailers, we’re still not quite sure what Death Stranding is really all about. What we do know is that there are some very familiar faces popping up in these trailers. Based on an image that has not yet been confirmed to be 100% valid, it seems another notable person may be making an appearance in the game: Emma Stone.

In the initial trailer, fans got to witness the first tidbit of the upcoming original game. Featured in the video, was actor Norman Reedus, who is famous for his roles in The Boondock Saints films and the hit AMC series The Walking Dead. Reedus was also in the Silent Hills P.T. before it was canceled. Thanks, Konami. In the second trailer, famed writer and director Guillermo del Toro as well as actor Mads Mikkelson were featured. It has been confirmed that all three have roles in the upcoming game.

There are a few things that have led us to believe that the award winning actress may be part of Kojima’s latest endeavor. Hideo has, in the past, shared his admiration for Stone, but that’s not really a great lead, however, it does break the ice a little. At the end of last year, Kojima put out a tweet suggesting that he had been able to meet Emma Stone for the first time. In February, he posted the following tweet:

This one can be seen as a bit of a reach, but let’s talk about how this relates to the possibility of Stone’s involvement. If you stay up to date on movie awards, then you’ll know that Stone has just received a few for her role in the musical film La La Land. That film was produced by Summit Entertainment, which is owned by Lionsgate, the name on the beanie worn by the Styrofoam head. The foam head has female features and is marked with dots synonymous with those used in motion capture. Kojima also tweeted a picture of the cameras used for mo-cap. This still doesn’t confirm that this was intended for Emma Stone, but we’re trying to connect the dots in the best way we can.

The latest clue in the Stone theory is that of a supposed leaked image. The image is said to be a shot of a new trailer that is expected to be shown at this year’s E3 conference. The picture, while a tad blurry, shows a female character with facial features very closely resembling that of Emma Stone’s. The character has white hair and a black liquid is seeping from her eyes, much like Mads Mikkelson’s character in the last trailer. It’s virtually impossible to find out where the image originally came from, but was posted on NeoGAF by user opricnik. While this still doesn’t confirm the actress’ involvement, it does look an awful lot like her. Check it out below to decide for yourself:

Emma Stone Death Stranding

It would be a safe bet to assume that Kojima will bring another trailer for Death Stranding to E3 this year. Perhaps, an announcement will be made by then that Emma Stone is in fact tied to the project. Time will tell. What do you think of Hideo Kojima’s latest endeavor so far? Do you believe the leaked image is legitimate? Let us know in the comments section below, or head on over to our official Disqus channel to talk about it with fellow DFTG readers and staff. To catch around-the-clock coverage of the hottest news in gaming and entertainment, be sure to follow us on Twitter. If you seek more reading, check out the following:

Jon McAnally376 Posts

Hailing from the armpit of California, this most radical of nerds loves video games, comics, and collectibles (not dolls). Prepare to feast your eyes on the magical wonder that is his editorials.


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