Jeff Kaplan Agrees That “Bastion is Too Powerful Right Now” (VIDEO)
It has been less than a week since Overwatch released a patch aimed at buffing Bastion and pushing him back into the meta, and public opinion has already decreed that the bird loving robot is just a little overtuned right now. The culprit, in this case, is Bastion’s new Ironclad passive, which reduces damage taken in both his Sentry and Tank modes by 35%. Overwatch’s game director Jeff Kaplan has also weighed in on Bastion’s new position in the meta, along with his personal experiences playing the souped up robot:
Over the past few nights I’ve played with, as and against Bastion. My perception is that he is a little too powerful right now. In particular, in one match I was playing Bastion and the enemy Tracer was trying to hunt me down. The Tracer player was clearly a better player than I am — a very skilled individual. I relied heavily on my self-heal and the Tracer could not finish me off. But I was able to kill Tracer in recon mode almost through attrition. This part felt wrong to me.”
Thankfully, Jeff Kaplan and his Overwatch team are already taking steps to reel Bastion in. A nerf has already appeared on the game’s PTR (Public Test Realm), which is set to reduce Bastions Ironclad defense boost from 35% to 20%. Hopefully, should make him feel a little less like a raid boss. In the video below, you can see the amount of damage Bastion can withstand in his Sentry mode, and it’s a little scary. Check it out:
Overtuning aside, it’s nice to see Bastion getting some love, much in the same way Symmetra did when she received her rework late last year. Hopefully, this upcoming Ironclad nerf will get Bastion right where he needs to be while still keeping him at his newly found place within the meta.
So, what’s your opinion on how Bastion feels? Do you agree that he’s too powerful? Or do you like him as is? Let us know what you think in the comments section below, and come start a conversation with us about it over on Disqus! As always, stay tuned to DFTG for all the latest Overwatch details, and come follow us on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!
Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts
Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.