Fortnite: Heavy Sniper Rifle Shown Off In New Leak (VIDEO)

Now that Fortnite has made its way to Android, there will likely be no way to stop the game from taking over the world. The popular Battle Royale title has become an international phenomenon over the past year, and one of the reasons is due to Epic Games constantly updating it and bringing new game modes, weapons, and more.
That said, a heavy sniper rifle is heading to the game, which was revealed in a leak from last month. The bolt-action weapon is seemingly rather powerful, and thanks to a recent video, we can see it in action. Check it out below:
Here’s our first in-game look at the upcoming Heavy Sniper Rifle weapon via @FNBRLeaks:
— Fortnite Battle Royale News (@FortniteBR) August 12, 2018
As can be seen in the video above, structures will essentially crumble because of this gun. The player is able to take care of a wall (of any material) with one shot, which is pretty intense. Trees? Never stood a chance. The heavy sniper coming to Fortnite is packing quite the punch. Here are the current stats for it:
- Rarity: Legendary
- Damage: 157
- Fire Rate: 0.33
- Magazine Size: 1
- Reload Time: 4.1
While the upcoming snipe deals a plethora of damage, the balance comes in reload form. With 4.1 seconds being the amount of time it takes to reload, that means it takes 1.4 seconds longer than the Legendary bolt-action that is currently in-game. It’s still unknown as to when this beast of a sniper rifle will arrive, but when it does, don’t let others catch you peeking.
Fortnite is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, iOS, and Android. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:
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What say you, gamers? Are you ready to claim Victory Royale with the upcoming heavy sniper rifle? How long do you think it will take for Epic to nerf the gun? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7
Eric Garrett2269 Posts
Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.