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Deadpool Cookbook Shows You How To Make Chimichangas

Marvel Comics’ “merc with a mouth” is getting his very own cookbook full of stabby things and, of course, chimichangas. Written by award-nomated writer and editor Marc Sumerak and recipe developer and food stylist Elena Craig, this hardcover release is a collection of more than sixty delicious recipe inspired by the one and only Wade T. Wilson. Ready to get cooking with Deadpool? Check out a sneak peek of the content below:

deadpool cookbook

“For as long as Deadpool has existed, he’s been known as the “Merc with a Mouth,” but most think that he earned the moniker for his endless stream of one-liners and double entendres,” Sumerak told SYFY WIRE. “But longtime fans know how much Wade loves a good nosh after a hard job. Sure, there’s his well-documented obsession chimichangas and/or tacos, as well as his passion for a pile of pancakes, but Wade has traveled from Wakanda to Monster Isle! We saw this book as the perfect opportunity to explore some of the other marvelous dishes he’s sampled on his many misadventures.”

You won’t be seeing any food blooger or fancy dishes in this book either. Authors Sumerak and Craig wanted this collection to stay true to Deadpool as a character. “Sure, no one in their right mind would ever believe that Deadpool is a Michelin star chef, which is why we made sure to build our recipes in a way that showcased his particular tastes, both in food and in life,” Sumerak explained.

For $29.99 (USD), Cooking with Deadpool arrives February 2nd. The cookbook comes with over 60 recipes from sides, desserts, breakfast ideas, and more. Pre-orders are available now on Amazon.

What do you think about the recipes listed in Cooking with Deadpool? Is this something that’s right up your alley? Let us know what you think in the comment below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming and entertainment news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

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Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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