Player Two is an animated short by film maker Zachary Antell that captures a beautifully done rendition of what...
Read MoreWith an arguably unhealthy obsession with Mass Effect, Liana has been an avid collector of gaming and comic memorabilia for well over two decades. With a passion for writing, gaming, and comics - she is currently working as Editor-in-Chief for the revival of Prima Games, with previous managing editor experience with several gaming publications including, The Hollywood Reporter, TwinGalaxies, and other outlets. She is also the Co-Owner and Managing Editor for DFTG. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, as well as several Facebook communities online.
Player Two is an animated short by film maker Zachary Antell that captures a beautifully done rendition of what...
Read MoreThere is a lot of hype surrounding Nintendo’s next in line console, the Nintendo Switch, as more and more...
Read MoreHalo 5 isn’t down for the count yet as 343 Industries continues to provide support and extra content for...
Read MoreThe Green Hornet franchise started as a 1930’s radio drama which moved into comic form in the 1940’s and...
Read MoreA few weeks ago, we reported here that the Executive Producer of the Dragon Age franchise, Mark Darrah, was dropping some...
Read MoreVirtual Reality is as big as it is exciting. It has been an idea that provided a backbone to...
Read MoreThe Witcher series just got a whole lot cuter thanks to the popular toy company Funko! If you haven’t...
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