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Star Wars Battlefront II Releases Vehicle Images; Obi-Wan Info Drops Next Week

Star Wars Battlefront II Vehicles Title Image

Star Wars Battlefront II continues to prove that old dogs can learn new tricks. After months of radio silence, EA DICE just rolled out more new information on the beleaguered title. That makes three consecutive weeks of updates, this time focusing on three new in-game vehicles. And next week, we’ll get more info on the Light Side counterpart to General Grievous.

In a Community Transmission, EA DICE updated a previous post on some new features for the upcoming Geonosis map. Three vehicles, the AT-TE, STAP, and BARC speeder, will debut on November 28. They’d only shown the AT-TE previously, but now we have in-development shots of all three transports.

Star Wars Battlefront II AT-TE Star Wars Battlefront II BARC Speeder Star Wars Battlefront II STAP

The STAP and BARC speeders look pretty sweet and I hope they’re added into the Kashyyk and Naboo levels. They’re slick and utilize the same abilities as the speeder-class players are now familiar with. They should be easy to use and create some epic open field battles.

But that AT-TE? That is a thing of beauty. The gigantic cannon is going to be fun to let loose on a battalion of droids. Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re invincible. Like explosive tortoises, their weak points reside on their underbellies. They also serve as the centerpiece for the Geonosis mission, so Clones need to protect them from sneaky Separtists.

Perhaps the biggest news, though, comes in the post’s final paragraph. Next week, EA DICE will release information about Obi-Wan Kenobi joining Star Wars Battlefront II. They promise to include information on his abilities and appearances, which may have already been leaked. We’ll find out more next week. Additionally, we should get details on the Clone Troopers joining him, the 212th Attack Battalion. Yes, Commander Cody is coming to the game alongside his old friend! If you want to practice your hero skills before their arrival, the game is hosting another Heroes Unleashed event this weekend.

Three months ago, I wouldn’t have believed EA DICE if they promised information on a weekly basis. They’d proven untrustworthy repeatedly and painfully, ignoring the community for months at a time. Under new community manager Ben Walke, however, Star Wars Battlefront II players finally get responses and news in a timely fashion. What a drastic turnaround for a game left for dead on launch. Now, it’s evolved into one of the best PvP games around. November 28 can’t come soon enough.

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Drew Weissman230 Posts

Drew is a freelance writer for DFTG. He's the former Managing Editor of Haogamers and has been published in the Chicago Tribune and The Paragon Journal. He also edited the novel Three Brightnesses and Artist Journey: Rachta Lin (2016 and 2017 editions).


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