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Resident Evil: Vendetta Producer Interested in Creating a Devil May Cry Movie

For quite a few years now, Devil May Cry has shied away from the lime light and pushed back onto the shelves, but it recently gained traction again. Toward the very tail end of last year, Hideaki Itsuno even announced a new title making its way into development. It is likely to be another addition to the DmC video game franchise. Unfortunately, no news broke during E3, but there’s certainly hope for it to show up through other mediums. In an interview with Collider, Hiroyuki expressed interest in creating a Devil May Cry movie when asked if there would be a pursuit in other series.

I would love to do that, any of them, but I can’t answer that,” Kobayashi responded. “The only thing I can tell you is about something that’s already out in the public. Resident Evil 2, a remade version, the game, will be out from Capcom soon.”

If there are or were any plans of creating a Sengoku Basara, Dino Crisis, or Devil May Cry movie, he must remain as hush-hush as possible. Of course, it is for legal reasons. While that doesn’t give hopeful fans much to go on, it is still a prospect to look forward to. Look at it this way – it’s possible because of how famous the DmC IP is that there will one day be a film. On the other hand, even if it is currently in development, nothing can be said publicly. His straightforward answer could mean anything and only time will tell if onlookers will finally have their wish granted.

Furthermore, if any fans of the Resident Evil franchise is excited, Vendetta just released. The physical releases for the CG movie will launch on July 18th for Digital, Blu-Ray, and DVD. Any thoughts on Kobayashi’s response? What do you think may happen for IPs from Capcom? Feel free to let us know in the comments section down below or start your own conversation Don’t Feed the Gamers official Facebook. To stay up to date on gaming news 24/7, make sure to follow our Twitter and check out the articles below:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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