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Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour Demo Guide to Unlocking Both Endings

A third update for Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour has been released! This may be old news for some, and you may have already found the new handgun, monster and dual endings the update made available. For the rest of you, this final update may be exciting but a bit frustrating as you try to achieve both endings.

Here’s the good news; it is finally possible to escape the Baker family house. This has been the goal for some time now among fans of the new demo and the Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour is giving players an out. Though difficult, the two endings available after the Midnight Version update offer players an “infected” ending, and an “escape” with your life ending.

If you’re wondering how to achieve both, look no further. Don’t Feed the Gamers has you covered!

Ending: The Infected

You may be surprised to discover that it is far more difficult in Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour to get this ending than the “escape” ending. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy though so you’ll want to get started right away. You’ll kick this off in the usual manner, coming to at the start point where you’ll crouch to pull the lever in the fireplace. Once done a secret panel opens next to the book shelf that gives you access to a sort of crawl space.

Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour

Even though you don’t trust it, head inside anyway where you’ll find a fuse sitting on a crate. Take the fuse and exit the crawl space. Once you’re back in the room, place the fuse in the fuse box on the wall with the Piano. Having done that you’ll need to head upstairs for this next bit.

Upstairs you’ll find a button that, once pressed, will lower stairs to the attic. Try to ignore the moving mannequins and head upstairs. Don’t bother taking any calls once you make it up into the attic, instead make your way into the room with the bed and trashcan. Under the bed you’ll find some ammo and if you’re lucky there may be some extra bullets left on the crates in the room. While these are great, and you’ll need them, you’re here for the basement key sitting on top of the table. Grab it and exit the room.

Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour

From here, take time out to do the VHS tape flashback sequence. If you haven’t done it before, the tape is in the kitchen between the fridge and counter. You’ll want to bring it back to the room with the VCR and play it. While in the “past world” of the video, use the lockpick you find to open the lock  on the cabinet drawer in the kitchen. Once done, go to the kitchen in present bizarro world to retrieve the ax from the now unlocked drawer. You can use this to smash up crates and fight the monster we mentioned at the start of the article.

Now, you may recall a particularly moldy door that was locked in the last update “Twilight”. The good news is, it’s unlocked now. This is also the bad news. But adventure being what it is, head on through the door and straight down the hall to the grated door at the end. The basement key we found in the attic unlocks this door. Use the key and head down the stairs.

Once in the basement, grab the valve you find resting on a gurney and go to the room adjacent to grab the attic key. Once you’ve done this, the nightmare really begins. One of the Baker family pets will appear, dubbed the “molded”, a slimy horror all claws and fangs and ready to make a meal of you. (For all intents and purposes I’ve dubbed our cuddly friend “Scratchy”.) Now’s your chance to shine so move around the beast and head up the stairs.

The "Molded" aka Scratchy
The “Molded” aka Scratchy

Curses! Jack Baker has blocked the door! Don’t give up though, you can still get out of this pickle. When the monster comes into the room, put one of the body bags between you two and give it a heavy kick to knock the creature down. With the extra time you can kick the door open. You may be underwhelmed to find that you’re going to need to head to the bathroom considering you’ve already shat your pants. Use the valve on the pipe in the bathroom anyway to drain the toilet blow and here you will find a handgun.

Salvation! If you took the time to pick up ammo along the way then you’re set, but if not go bullet hunting. You’ll need at least 6 rounds in order to drop this thing. There are some on the shelf in the bathroom hallway, and if you unleash your inner lumberjack, you can use your ax to smash crates and find even more.

Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour

Once loaded up, head on back to the basement to put our friend out of its misery. Shooting Scratchy in the head six times should settle any disagreements you have, but if you’re having trouble the ax can finish the job once the monster is weakened.  Trust me when I say it’s much safer if you use body bags to knock over the monster before you try the ax move.

Once you’ve put Scratchy out to pasture you’ll be covered with black ooze. The smart thing to do at this point is avoid any running water and head straight for the attic. Climb the ladder and you’ll not regret skipping the bath as you are rewarded with a cut-scene that is all-together chilling.

Ending: The Escape

The second ending in Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour sees players make it out relatively unscathed. This is the quicker of the two endings, and it is easier to attain. If you already pulled off the infected ending, repeat the steps needed to get into the basement, but skip the bit with the VHS tape as you wont be needing the ax this time around. All you’re aiming for in the basement is the attic key.

Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour

Never mind the valve or trying to get the handgun. Escape is the name of the ending, not “fight Scratchy all over again”. Once you have the key the monster will emerge and Jack will block your exit. But use the same body bag  topple trick as before, knock the beast down and then smash the door open. Go up the stairs and use the attic key to escape and get the sweet reward of fresh air and brisk sprinting away from that house of horrors!

Ending: The Article

Overall the final update for Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour offers players a chance to break up with the house and get some closure. It’s been great, real great, but it’s you house. Not me.

There will be some unanswered questions that the demo may still be harboring, but if not, we imagine those questions will be answered next month. With the release of the game on January 24th, players will get to find all of the horrible secrets in the Baker family plantation as Ethan Winters. Be sure to get your copy for PC, PS4, XBox One, and Playstation VR!

Excited for the Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour update release? Find anything interesting? Sound off in the comments below!

Charles Douglas734 Posts

Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!


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