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No Rainbow Six Siege Sequel Planned, Goal Of 100 Operators Still A Priority

No Rainbow Six Siege Sequel planned

Although the player base for Rainbow Six Siege continues to grow, Ubisoft has revealed that it has no plans for a sequel. The news that a Rainbow Six Siege sequel isn’t happening came by way of the Rainbow Six 2018 invitational, in which the publisher revealed that while a sequel isn’t in the cards, Ubisoft plans on supporting the title for 10 years. While some may argue that the number was meant to be hyperbolic, apparently the lofty number was meant to be taken literally.

In place of a sequel, Ubisoft plans on releasing at least 100 Operators over the span of 10 years, with 8 new Operators making their debut in Year 3 of Rainbow Six Siege. Brand director Alexander Remy confirmed the number of Operators to come, stating that “[The goal of 100] is not only a symbol, but it’s a testament of the longevity that we want to put in the game.” He also vocalized once again that a sequel wouldn’t be happening. “Again, we are claiming extremely loud here, there is no sequel planned, and we are here for the next 10 years, so expect more Rainbow Six in your life for quite some time.”

Ubisoft also revealed during the invitational many of the new features and changes coming to the game at some point in the future, laying out a rough road-map in lieu of a Rainbow Six Siege sequel. Here’s the breakdown of the upcoming changes from Redditor URZ:

Rainbow Six Siege – Roadmap

  • 8 new operators are coming in Year 3. Goal is still hitting a 100 operators eventually.
  • Changes coming to the standard edition. You will now start with all 20 legacy (original) operators unlocked.
  • In the future all weapon attachments will be free and unlocked from the go.
  • The problem child that is starter edition will go from 4 free operators to 6.
  • They are adding new Data-centers in South Africa and South Europe.
  • Pick and Ban is coming for operators in Pro-league. Each side gets to ban 1 attacker and 1 defender for the whole map.
  • Pro-league will be 1 team attacking 5 times followed by the other team attacking 5 times.
  • They will be working hard on improving the Pro-league in general. They are first of all reworking the observation tool.
  • Some maps will be renovated and rebalanced. Bomb-mode will be the focus for map design.
  • The map “Yacht” is coming back to casual.
  • The Map “Hereford” will be the first map to be reworked.
  • Every season (at least that is the goal. Changes will ship when ready) a map will receive a buff. Small changes that should help improve the meta on the map, mostly through improving specific objectives to make more bomb-sights viable.
  • First map to receive a buff is “Clubhouse”. Bar-room and Top floor will both be buffed. They are aiming for season 2 as the goal for completion.
  • Esports is there to stay.
  • Lan-competitions will happen. Dreamhack got name dropped but didn’t catch the context.

Rainbow Six Siege was released back in December 2015 and is now available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

So, thoughts on the upcoming changes to the game? Sad that there won’t be a Rainbow Six Siege sequel? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!

Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts

Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.


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