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Blizzard’s Overwatch Reaches 25 Million Players and Counting

Overwatch players reach 25 million and counting, according to an official Twitter announcement today. While not everyone jumped on the bandwagon from the very beginning, it comes to no surprise that their numbers continue to skyrocket. With a Game of the Year Award, and worldwide recognition – it’s hard to imagine any gamer writing it off completely. Including yours truly, there came hesitation toward purchasing another 50-60 dollar game, especially since they initially marketed Overwatch as a free-to-play title. Of course, having a free-to-play strategy entails micro-transactions, typically.

An increased number of Overwatch players means a more diverse crowd. While not necessarily a problem, it may face a dilemma much like the problematic community of League of Legends. Blizzard’s consistent public relations message of inclusiveness equals to a more diverse demographic. Other than that, what makes this game so successful? Perhaps the lore resonates with many, or the overall story arc mirrors the problems many face in today’s society?

It’s popular enough to have fan-created porn, so that’s something.

Other than the announcement on their official Twitter page, there has been no mention of celebrating this new accomplishment. If their intent is to build the numbers, having those free-to-play weekends give curious gamers a taste! It may tempt them to purchase a copy for themselves, just like the F2P event in November.

Jeff Kaplan

Overwatch’s Year of the Rooster event is still ongoing. This time around, Capture the Flag is the name of the game. Though it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, it definitely sets a different pace. There are some improvements to be made in the midst of combat and attempting to seize the objective, personally speaking. Look at it this way though – if these events are popular enough, they may make it back as an Arcade regular. If players are unhappy or dissatisfied, Blizzard will find out in a heartbeat.

What do you think of Overwatch reaching 25 million? Do you still believe it is an overrated game? Are you Overwatch players, too? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below, we would love to hear from you.

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Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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