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Latest Digital Overwatch Comic Featuring Zarya Out Now – Check It Out Here!


The latest issue of the Overwatch digital comics from Blizzard is out and this time it focuses on the tank hero Zarya. In the comic Searching, Aleksandra Zaryanova (Zarya), is sent out into the world to find the elusive hacker Sombra, but finds out it’s not as easy as it seems.

Eventually Zarya realizes that she needs help if she is going to catch that sneaky woman and is faced with the only option of working with someone she hates, someone she is prejudiced towards: an Omnic hacker. The partners reluctantly work together and soon they have Sombra right where they want her, but they learn the secret that could change everything. What will happen once the truth is revealed?


Searching was written by Andrew Robinson and Joelle Sellner and was illustrated by Kate Niemczyk. Previous issues have focused on many of the Overwatch heroes including Roadhog (Wasted Land & Going Legit), Doomfist (Masquerade), Tracer (Uprising & Reflections), Bastion (Binary), Junkrat (Junkenstein & Going Legit), Ana (Old Soldiers), Torbjorn (Destroyer), Pharah (Mission Statement), Symmetra (A Better World), Reinhardt (Dragon Slayer), McCree (Train Hopper), and a few others in small roles throughout. Searching makes the 15th Overwatch comic and you can read the full 12 pages and all the other comics by clicking here!

Are you a fan of the Overwatch digital comics? Are you happy that Zarya got her moment in the sun, or is there another hero you’d rather see? Let us now in the comment section below and then make sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for all the hottest gaming and pop culture news 24/7! If you’d like to read up on some more Overwatch comics, check out the links below!

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