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Overwatch Anniversary Skins Leaked Ahead Of Event

When a game becomes a worldwide phenomenon, it’s hard to keep anything new and shiny a secret for long which proves to be the case with each and every event. Though the official Overwatch Twitter account has shared a few of the upcoming skins for their second annual birthday celebration, fans over at Reddit managed to grab up a slew of images from fellow enthusiasts over in Taiwan. Unless you speak Mandarin the texts will be difficult to decipher, but some of them are pretty self-explanatory. There’s Sherlock McCree, Lightning Tracer, Pirate Junkrat, Shield Maiden Brigitte and many more. Check out the image below to prepare your coins for just the right outfit:

Most of them look fantastic, but the one that takes the cake is Orisa. In fact, several mentions on Reddit include her skin and the overall eye-catching design. It’s simply well done! Another fellow Redditor was kind enough to translate the names for each skin as well, but it may prove to have a disclaimer that there may be discrepancies on the official names on English-speaking servers. There are 11 total skins, three of which are Epic level and the rest Legendary.:

  • Lightning Tracer (Epic)
  • Bit Rate Lucio (Epic)
  • Venom Soldier 76 (Epic)
  • Sherlock McCree
  • Bio Torbjorn
  • Shield Maiden Brigitte
  • Souls of the Forest Orisa
  • Magician Symmetra
  • Suit Doomfist
  • Pirate Junkrat
  • Stealth Bastion

The Overwatch Anniversary will take place Tuesday, May 22nd and will feature a brand new map called Petra. Featuring an arid landscape, crumbling bridges, and secret passageways, Petra is an 8-player deathmatch mode and that can only mean one will emerge victorious. What are your thoughts on the skins revealed for the event this year? Do any of them catch your eye? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on DFTG Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here’s some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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