Magic: Legends Gameplay Details And Trailer Revealed (VIDEO)

After a gorgeous reveal at last year’s Game Awards, MMO action-RPG Magic: Legends largely went silent, with developers Cryptic Studios holding off on more information over a month following the announcement. While it’s since been a mystery how the popular card builder might translate into a fluid action title, an exclusive report from Game Informer has now taken a deep dive into Magic: Legends, giving plenty of tasty details as well as a nifty-looking trailer.
On the surface, the game looks to be very Diablo-esque, but a given a deeper look and the Magic: The Gathering elements begin to show themselves. One of GI’s reports explains the game’s card-based setup, giving players access to a customized deck of twelve cards, with each doling out spells in randomized succession. A total of four active cards can be used at a given time, with three varied types such as short-form Sorcery, Creature summons, and long-cast Enchantment–making for quite a few mix-and-match possibilities for battle.
As Magic: The Gathering is built upon Planeswalkers customizing their decks, Magic: Legends appears to have the same idea in mind, with all colors of Magic cards open to players, regardless of class. However, only two colors are available to a player at a time, making for an added layer of strategy when first choosing one’s cards. An example used to demonstrate this combination system was the Geomancer class. Known for using aggressive red-color mana, the group could feasibly pair with the more healing-inclined white to bring a bit of balance to a deck.
As with any RPG, upgrading characters is also an important part of Magic: Legends’ gameplay. In addition to full campaign missions, the game also offers PvP dueling as well as “Ordeals,” or missions designed around shorter bouts of gameplay. After defeating enemies, players are awarded drops such as Shards to further upgrade their cards. Bigger battles amount to greater pools of loot and the game’s AI Director was assured to have a handle on both accordingly. The so-called “Director” is in charge of scaling enemies based on players’ effectiveness in battle, spawning frequent or increasingly powerful enemies for more formidable players.
There’s no word on when the developers hope to make a full release of the title but it is expected to arrive on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Players can sign up for the game’s beta through the Magic: Legends website. Let us know your thoughts on the upcoming Magic MMO and more in the comment section below. As always don’t forget to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for 24/7 coverage on all things gaming and entertainment.
Chris Calles1560 Posts
Known as "Stash" or Yippee Calles. He's a student of everything, avid adrenaline junkie, and creator of random things. When he's not delving into a game, book, or movie - He's out teaching himself new things or taking part in some pretty epic adventures. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.