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Fortnite Update Adds Stink Bombs, Massively Nerfs Rocket Launcher

Another new Fortnite update has been released and though it was smaller than others, it did come packing a stinky punch! The latest patch brings with it a new hero, a new Limited Time Mode, new items, and tons more! Check out the reveal trailer for the Stink Bombs in action below:

As for what else is new with the latest update:

Battle Royale 


Limited Time Mode Summary

Survive the countdown! The Storm Circles give players more room to hunt down opponents. The final circle triggers a countdown timer; when the time is up, the team with the most players remaining wins. In this LTM, teams can tie for the Victory Royale!

Mode Details

  • Final Fight plays similar to standard Battle Royale, but instead of the Storm circles closing all the way, the Storm stops after the 3rd circle.
  • When the circles have finished closing in, the final countdown timer will begin.
  • The remaining teams will battle it out until the timer expires.
  • The team with the most players remaining at the end of the timer wins!
  • In the event of a tie, the two (or more) teams tied for the lead win the match.

Weapons + Items

  • Stink Bomb added.
    • Creates a stinky cloud that deals 5 damage every half-second within the cloud.
    • 9-second duration.
    • Epic rarity.
    • Can be found from floor loot, chests, and Vending Machines.
    • Loot in stacks of 3 with a maximum stack of 5.
  • Increased the reload time of the Rocket Launcher based on rarity.
    • Rare from 2.3 seconds to 2.8.
    • Epic from 2.185 seconds to 2.66.
    • Legendary from 2.07 to 2.52.
  • The maximum number of unloaded Rocket Ammo that can be held has been changed to 12.

Bug Fixes

  • Enemy built structures are no longer lit up by the thermal scope.
  • Cozy Campfires are now lit by the thermal scope.


Bug Fixes

  • Back Bling no longer appears detached from players at a distance.
  • Fixed the two intersecting busses on the starting island.


  • Fixed performance issues on Switch related to frequently called time functions during gameplay (especially when skydiving).
  • Level streaming optimization to smooth out some hitches during skydiving on Switch.


  • The music for the Fresh emote has been re-added.
  • Fixed attenuation of Supply Drop opening sound so it doesn’t sound like it’s right next to players even if it’s opened far away.
  • The Clinger explosion sound now plays properly if detonated directly next to you on iOS/Switch platforms.


  • Added the “Net Debug Stats” HUD UI option for Xbox.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could happen after buying items in the Item Shop.
  • When using styleable outfits, your last saved version will always appear in the locker preview.

Save the World

Missions + Systems

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue which could block progression where the Chrome Husky would no longer spawn if the Magnets! quest was completed. Players who were blocked will now be unblocked with this fix.


New Constructor Demolitionist: 8-Bit Demo added to the Event Store.

  • Available Wednesday, June 20 at 8pm ET.

Fortnite is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, and iOS devices. It will be coming to Android as well at a later date.

Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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