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Fortnite: Jetpacks Are (Finally) Making Their Way Into The Game

We’ve been talking about jetpacks coming to Epic Games’ Fortnite for awhile now, but the developers keep finding reasons to push it back. Whether it be “not the right time” or a last minute bug, the newest mode of travel just can’t quite seem to make it into the online title. Luckily, it looks like that delay-causing bad luck might finally be coming to an end – at least according to these datamined findings!

Thanks to the team over at @FNBRLeaks, we have the game’s files that specifically talk about the jetpack. According to the date found, we’ll be getting these bad boys sometime before Week 5 – which is awesome, given that we’re on week 3 currently:

In addition to the found jet packs, there was also a new Limited Time Mod found labeled as ‘Shotguns’. Within this particular batch of coding, the ‘Close Encounters’ Limited Time Mode is described as “Close quarters combat with Shotguns & Jetpacks! If you find a jetpack, double-tap the jump button to take off. Keep the button held down to apply thrust. Make sure to land before it runs out of fuel!”

Between the Close Encounters and the original datamined info stating that one of Week 5’s challenges is “Use a Jetpack,” it’s looking like the next few weeks are going to be exciting ones for Fortnite fans! Hopefully Epic Games will confirm this information soon, though these files were directly from the game itself and this source has yet to be wrong to this date. We’ll see!

In other Fortnite news, don’t forget about the Limited Time Mode going on right now: Solo Showdown. The mode, which is going on right now, is described by the developers as:

“Trying to prove yourself on the battlefield? Queue up for the Solo Showdown mode for a hotly contested Battle Royale experience. Unlike other LTMs, Solo Showdown will not change core gameplay of the current Solo mode. Instead, you will be placed against other self-selected competitors making this the ultimate test of survival.”


1st Place:  50,000 V-Bucks

2nd – 4th  Place:  25,000 V-Bucks

5th – 50th Place:  13,500 V-Bucks

51st – 100th Place:  7,500 V-Bucks

If you’re looking to get in on this action, do it fast! Solo Showdown ends on May 21st at 10 ET!

What do you think about jetpacks making their way into the world of Fortnite? Do you think they will be incredibly imbalanced, or provide yet another fun mechanic to the gameplay experience? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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