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Fortnite Announces Batman Crossover Event Now Live

Fortnite Announces Batman Crossover Event Coming Soon

You know what’s been missing from games recently? Batman. You know what makes any game better? Batman. Ever since the Arkham series’ final chapter Arkham Knight released back in 2015, it’s felt a bit odd not to have a new Batman game to get excited for on the horizon. While some rumors of other Batman games in development have yet to be confirmed, it looks like we’ll at least be getting our Batman fix courtesy of an upcoming crossover event for Fornite.

The news initially came via a set of leaks suggesting that a Batman-themed event would be coming to Fortnite. The game is no stranger to having crossover events as it just recently ran one featuring Borderlands items and aesthetics. Said leaks came from famous Fortnite data miner Lucas7yoshi on Twitter.

It seems that Tilted Towers will be changed when the caped crusader arrives. Most likely into some kind of Gotham City facsimile. Whether or not we get some notable landmarks like Ace Chemicals, Wayne Tower, or GCPD is unknown, but it would be cool!

More recently, the folks over at Epic Games came forth and announced via a post on Twitter that the official Fortnite x Batman is live now until October 6th. The announcement tweet can be seen below:

Fortnite is now available on all major platforms.

Are you going to play the Batman x Fortnite crossover? What kind of skins for your characters are you hoping for? Let us know in the comments below! Be sure to also follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, and check out all the latest news from Don’t Feed The Gamers:


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