New Borderlands 2 DLC Seemingly Throws Shade At Former Claptrap Voice Actor (VIDEO)

Whether Gearbox Software likes it or not, the Borderlands series is quickly becoming synonymous with the franchise’s first voice actor for Claptrap, David Eddings, who stated earlier this year that Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford physically assaulted him, while also denying him pay for some of the work he did for the company. Gearbox’s responses towards the controversy have been for the most part dismissive, though it appears that the company may have taken a jab at Eddings in the latest Borderlands 2 DLC.
Gearbox recently released the Borderlands 2 DLC titled Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary, which is designed to bridge the gap between the game and Borderlands 3. As reported by The Sixth Axis, one of the missions in the DLC is called “Claptocurrency” in which Claptrap attempts to acquire a whole lot of money by nefarious means. This is Claptrap we’re talking about, so naturally this doesn’t go well, at which point this happens:
Claptrap (voiced by his new voice actor) goes back to his former boss (Lilith) and begs (grovels, even) for his old job back, kissing a whole lot of Siren butt in the process. The scene as a whole goes on for a bit longer than it needs to be, and it isn’t difficult to draw parallels between that and the back and forth between David Eddings and Randy Pitchford. That said, Eddings has proof that he was offered his old job back, so, the ball’s in your court Randy.
Borderlands 3 launches for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on September 13, 2019.
So, thoughts on the Borderlands 2 Claptrap mission? Do you think it intentionally references the ongoing drama? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!
Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts
Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.