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Star Wars Battlefront II Cinematic Trailer Features Emperor Palpatine (VIDEO)

Battlefront 2 Trailer Leak Highlights Epic In-Engine Space Battles

In the latest Star Wars Battlefront II cinematic trailer, all is revealed when Operation Cinder launches and Iden Versio is sent on her very first mission in light of the news: Emperor Palpatine is dead. In order to seek revenge, an Imperial droid donning bright red garments sends Admirall Garrick Versio and Iden Versio a message of initiation.

Players, assuming the role of Commander Iden Versio in the single-player campaign, must lead the Inferno Squadron to avenge the death of Palpatine. Seen in the trailer below, tensions arise before she sets off, perhaps foretelling her relationship with the ideals of the Imperial army. Obedience with questions isn’t obedience at all. However, it’s obvious doubts and questions plague young Versio’s mind.

Admiral Versio, Operation Cinder is to begin at once. Resistance, rebellion, defiance – these are concepts that cannot be allowed to persist. You are, but one of many tools by which these ideas shall be burned away. Heed my messenger, he shall relay you to your target.”

Following the conversation with her father and the Imperial droid, glimpses of Versio as she hops on a Tie-Fighter and mows down Rebel fighters can be seen. For more information on the game’s upcoming release, John Boyega reveals the different features the game has to offer including a several different multiplayer modes: Starfighter Assault, Galactic Assault, Blast, Strike, and Heroes vs. Villains. According to Boyega himself, Star Wars Battlefront II has “nearly tripled the number of locations, heroes, and vehicles” since its 2015 title.

Star Wars Battlefront II

There are event different weapon and fighter classes – play as assault, heavy, specialist, or an officer class to get the upper hand on the battlefield and each with their own specific abilities, weapons, and attachments. So, friends and Star Wars nerds, what did you think of the Star Wars Battlefront II cinematic trailer above? Are you looking forward to playing the campaign for yourself once it releases on November 14th? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers official Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as they happen, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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