Anthem Players Want More Enemies, Higher Difficulty Levels

Anthem Enemies

Anthem has definitely had a bit of a rocky start, but the road ahead does appear to be smoother. BioWare has been addressing the community and ensuring fans that fixes are coming. That said, players have been incredibly vocal about what they’d like to see in the game, including more enemies and ones with higher difficulty levels.

The Anthem subreddit has been awfully popular since launch, and while a lot of it has been for the wrong reasons, some Redditors have been trying to offer legitimate opinions and feedback based on their experiences. Such is the case with user Unicorn2007, who suggests that BioWare should consider adding more enemies instead of just giving the ones in Anthem more health, which essentially turns them into bullet sponges.

“It’s boring as f*** sitting there shooting one enemy for minutes at a time,” they said. “Higher difficulties should be more enemies. It’s not often you get a big group of enemies together as it is so a lot of the aoe skills are useless. Make them fun by adding more enemies not increasing health.”

Others chimed in, agreeing with Unicorn that Anthem should definitely have more enemies. User Tels315 offered up a rather good suggestion, saying that Grandmaster 2 should have double the amount of enemies with 50% increase in health, while Grandmaster 3 should triple the amount of enemies with a 150% health increase. This would certainly scale things up nicely for players, possibly providing a better experience. After all, it would be much cooler to unleash devastating damage on a horde of enemies as opposed to just sinking magazine upon magazine into one enemy.

As one player pointed out, it would be great to see the likes of Storm use their ultimate on 100 enemies at once, which then led to picturing a Javelin in Dynasty Warriors featuring Dante from Devil May Cry.  Needless to say, players are looking for a bit more meat out of the Anthem experience, especially when it comes to the amount of enemies. Luckily, BioWare is paying attention to feedback, so we will hopefully see some sort of change in the future.

Anthem is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Would like to see the amount of enemies in Anthem increased? What do you think would be a good improvement for the game? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!


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