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WATCH: VRChat Players Stop To Help Fellow Player Having A Seizure

VR Chat Players

VR Chat is a strange, yet entertaining, game  that boasts a world where anything and everything can happen. While it has gained quite a bit of popularity with a steady stream of viral memes, trolling, and more – the escape to virtual reality doesn’t mean the real world doesn’t have an effect on the player, and can in some cases have serious consequences. VRChat players recently witnessed an incident which included a fellow user that appeared to have a seizure mid-chat.

The video comes courtesy of YouTuber Rouge Shadow VR who witnessed the situation unfold. When a player with a robot avatar crumpled to the floor, a few others were quick to notice something wasn’t right and attempted to find out what was wrong. When the robot player failed to respond, the other chatters began to grow more and more concerned. Being able to do nothing at the time, players could only wait until the avatar’s handler gave some form of verbal cue that he was OK.

In a recent talk with Kotaku, the player at the center of it all recounted his side of the incident, though he was unable to remember much of the situation.

I do remember feeling cold all the sudden. After that, I woke up and I was on the floor. I could hear these voices. It was comforting to know somebody was there after it was all said and done. It’s really amazing that people can come together like that over somebody who’s in distress. In a world where nobody even knows each other, really.”

He added that while he doesn’t have an official diagnosis, he has had a seizure once before. The video, while hard to watch, offers up an educational view into the more kind portion of the gaming community. After some time and the sound of his labored breathing, the fallen player was able to respond and confirm that he was alright. Many of the other VRChat players attempted to help offering up advice to call a friend or family member, as well as drink water and get some sleep. They even stepped in when one of the avatars started to troll the suffering chatter by tea-bagging him, promptly coercing the other players to jump in and control the situation.

This isn’t the first time members of the gaming community have come together to help out fellow member,s but it’s always nice to see. Seizures are not to be taken lightly, if you or somebody you know suffers from epileptic episodes – we here at DFTG urge you to seek out medical aid. You can also check out this medical site for information on how to better handle these situations as they occur. Let us know your thoughts on the kindly actions of the VRChat players and more in the comments section below. As always, don’t forget to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter for 24/7 coverage of all things gaming and entertainment.

Chris Calles1560 Posts

Known as "Stash" or Yippee Calles. He's a student of everything, avid adrenaline junkie, and creator of random things. When he's not delving into a game, book, or movie - He's out teaching himself new things or taking part in some pretty epic adventures. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.


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