Upcoming Destiny 2 Livestream Event Will Include a Look at PC Gameplay

When Bungie announced a sequel to its successful first person shooter Destiny, fans of the game were nothing less than excited. The developers have since only made fans only more ravenous, releasing tidbits of teeny teasers on Twitter just vague enough to not give anything away. Gamers can rest easy though, because more substantial information is scheduled to be revealed during a Destiny 2 livestream event scheduled for May 18th. Among the expected announcements is the first hands-on experience with the game from both the PlayStation 4, and as we know now, the PC version of the game as well.
As Business Insider revealed earlier this week, numerous gift boxes been making the rounds, given out to those invited to the closely approaching gameplay premiere. The package notably contains a confirmation that both PC and PS4 editions of the game will be playable for those in attendance. Also included is a nifty little Cayde-6 figure alongside an invitation to the Destiny 2 livestream event, complete with the ceremony’s start time of 10AM PT.
Because Sony once again struck an exclusivity deal with developer Bungie, it would make sense why initial gameplay coming from the Destiny 2 premiere would be via the PlayStation 4. The real takeaway from this news is the sequel’s first PC gameplay, which will arguably provide the best possible visuals for potential players to judge from, as the platform is generally more powerful than consoles. Since the upcoming follow-up could most likely begin a new story, it would open the doors for the PC master race to jump aboard the hype train with little regard to console-exclusive first game. We’ll know more at the Destiny 2 livestream event later this month and you can check back here on Don’t Feed the Gamers when more news drops.
Are you excited to see official PC gameplay for Destiny 2, or are you more of a console gamer? Are you disappointed by the lack of Xbox One information? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter to get the hottest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! To read up on more recent Destiny news, check out these next few stores:
Eric Hall2712 Posts
Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.