Super Mario Odyssey’s Bubblaine Level Featured in Nintendo Minute (VIDEO)

With Super Mario’s nipples descending on the Twitter trending list, fans can once more turn their attention to Nintendo’s next game in the franchise. Nintendo Minute recently featured Super Mario Odyssey‘s Bubblaine world in a featured gameplay video that shows off the expansive water world. Check it out in the video below!
The video features Odyssey’s Bubblaine, a resort town taken over by a robber baron-esque octopus who has begun drinking the towns’ water. In response, the townsfolk turn to Mario in all his baywatchian glory to come to their rescue. This, of course, requires players to assume various roles in the game, including the much-hated water level fish.
The gameplay features new and well-remembered creatures along with puzzles, and items to collect. One of the most impressive things is how vast the worlds have become, and how expansive the mechanics are. Among the features shown off in Odyssey’s Bubblaine gameplay feature is the “Snapshot Photo” mode that allows players to take screen captures with filters to share with friends.
In order for players to set the boss fight in motion, they have to locate several corked fountains. Players can launch these corks at the Octopus, knocking him from his glass tower. From there the team playing for Nintendo Minute cut the gameplay short, not wanting to ruin the epic battle before fans get a chance to have at it.
Super Mario Odyssey’s Bubblaine is just one of many worlds being featured by Nintendo as the game reaches release. Uniquely, players can access unlocked worlds from Marios ship Odyssey. This deviates from the previous hub like worlds players would have to return to in order to go someplace else. Fans can get their hands on the latest Mario title for the Switch October 27th!
What features from Super Mario Odyssey stand out from previous games? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!
Charles Douglas734 Posts
Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!