Star Wars Battlefront II Rise Of Skywalker Trailer Hypes Upcoming Content (VIDEO)

This week is certainly a big one for Star Wars fans, as the epic conclusion to The Skywalker Saga arrives with the release of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Director JJ Abrams has promised to be not only a strong film in its own right, but a loving tribute to all three of the Skywalker Saga trilogies of films released throughout the past forty two years. Similarly, Star Wars Battlefront II has sought to also celebrate the best of these films, and now it culminates with its new tie-in DLC highlighted in a new Star Wars Battlefront II Rise of Skywalker trailer.
EA and DICE released the new Star Wars Battlefront II Rise of Skywalker trailer on the official EA Star Wars YouTube channel. The trailer begins with a battle between the First Order and the Resistance on the jungle planet that will be featured in The Rise of Skywalker and will also be a new map for Battlefront II. During this battle, the new DLC inspired by The Rise of Skywalker. This is first seen with new trooper classes, including the Ovissian Gunner and Caphex Spy for the Resistance, as well as the Jet Trooper and Sith Trooper for the First Order. New playable Resistance BB-8 is also seen in the battle, though the similar new First Order hero BB-9E is not. Also shown are the new skins for heroes Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren, as they will be seen in The Rise of Skywalker.
The trailer ends by showing clips of the other content available in the game related to the prequel and original Star Wars film trilogies, highlighting how the game will now have the complete Skywalker Saga represented in the game, just like the new film will pay tribute to them as well. Collectively, this is all known as The Celebration Edition of Star Wars Battlefront II, which new players can now purchase for one price, or pre-existing players can purchase for a reduced price. Celebration is a fitting name, as this week will be seen by many as nothing less than a great party. Sorry Mace Windu, this party isn’t over yet.
What do you guys think about this new Star Wars Battlefront II Rise of Skywalker trailer? Let us know in the comments below! Be sure to stay tuned for the latest Star Wars news, such as , here on Don’t Feed the Gamers! Follow us on Twitter to see our updates the minute they go live!
Cory Lara2137 Posts
A royally radical and totally tubular 90s kid, Cory has a passion for all things nerdy, particularly gaming and nostalgia. While an accountant by day, he strives to be as creative and humorous as possible in his free time, be it here writing on Don't Feed the Gamers, or making dumb satirical posts on his Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram accounts.