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SPOILER: Leaked Injustice 2 Gameplay Confirms That One Major Character Addition (VIDEO)

leaked injustice 2

NetherRealm Studios has been on a roll as of late, unveiling crowds of new characters for upcoming DC fighting game Injustice 2, one of which was unofficially revealed earlier this week. Following the discovery of a certain green-haired menace’s name mentioned among the game’s Xbox One achievement list, the character of The Joker has been revealed even further by some recently leaked Injustice 2 gameplay footage. Check out The Joker in action below:

In the short video clip, The Joker’s move set is shown off in a small capacity, with attacks notably making use of small weapons such as a knife or crowbar, two instruments the crime lord has famously made use of in comics past. The Joker’s Super Move looks to involve use of his signature Joker Gas, which the villain uses to suffocate his victims to death while leaving a permanent large grin on their face. There isn’t much to learn from this video, but more information is expected to come about in the character’s upcoming reveal trailer.

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In another notable change, The Joker sports a new look that seems to combine the appearance of several popular versions of the clown. The most apparent of these resemble actor Heath Ledger’s version of the character from The Dark Knight, as well as Jared Leto’s recent tattoo-covered rendition seen in the film Suicide Squad. These looks are likely to vary, as the game’s Gear system allows for multiple variations of a character’s costume.

NetherRealm’s Injustice 2 is nearly ready to head to stores, with only a few weeks left before the game’s PlayStation 4 and Xbox One release on May 16th. Now that the surprise of the Joker has been re-revealed, his inclusion in Injustice 2 is a contender for the worst kept secret in gaming at the moment. For any more Injustice 2 news, check back here at Don’t Feed the Gamers to learn more.

leaked injustice 2

What do you think of the leaked Injustice 2 video? Are you happy with how The Joker looks, or are you going to change up his appearance as soon as you get the game? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter to know the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! To catch up on recent DC news, check out these next few stories:

Eric Hall2712 Posts

Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.


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