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Overwatch Game Director Responds to Disappointment in Mei’s Legendary Holiday Skin

The game Overwatch is currently having a special holiday event that includes a handful of new hero skins and goodies, but some fans of the Blizzard game are giving Mei’s new skin the cold shoulder. The main issue is that it’s not considered good enough to be labeled as legendary. One person in the Blizzard forums decided to call them out for some answers about their process when choosing which skins will be legendary, epic, etc. Game Director Jeff Kaplan responded and explained everything about her legendary holiday skin, but first here are some pictures of the skin in question:

Overwatch holiday Mei Legendary skin

As you can see, this new legendary holiday skin looks a lot like her normal skin, but more Christmas-y. Fans wanted something a little more… legendary. Overwatch player who goes by the name “Daddy” on the forums says,

“It’s clear that the majority of people do not like that skin, and feel that it is inferior to all of the other legendary skins in the game. Someone from Blizzard needs to respond to the criticism of the Mei skin, and clarify what exactly defines a legendary skin. This skin is probably going to be the last Mei legendary skin we get for awhile. A long while. If Mei was the last hero to get a skin since launch, then I shudder to think how long it’ll be until we get our next one. A lot of people are concerned that this will be her only new skin for a long time, and it’s (as decided by the community) quite a disappointing one.”

The post, although slightly whiny and demanding, has a good point. What if this IS the last legendary Mei skin for a long time? If so then this choice seems pretty disappointing. Luckily Jeff Kaplan did respond to give clarification.

“Hi there. Sorry you are disappointed with Mei’s winter skin. We don’t have a specific rule for what makes something Legendary or Epic. We just sort of make a gut call based off of what we think is cool. Coolness is very subjective, and based off of the community reaction it seems like our gauge was off on this one. Our reasoning for it being Legendary was that we completely redid the visual effects for Cryo-Freeze (we turned the ice block into a snowman). We thought that was pretty special and we had done it specifically based on community suggestions from months ago when people were speculating that we might have a winter event. Apparently, lots of people don’t agree with us and that’s ok. It’s all good feedback and we’re learning something for future events.

For people concerned that Mei is not going to get another Legendary for a long time, you need not worry. We have something pretty awesome for her early next year. Apologies that our “cool meter” was off from yours on this one. We’ll try to align better on future content.”

Classic Blizzard, always listening to the fans and trying to do their best for us! We really appreciate that Jeff Kaplan and all the rest of the Overwatch crew are always there for us and actually care about what the fans want! What did you think of Mei’s new legendary holiday skin? Legendary worthy or not? Let us know your opinion in the comment section below and you better follow us on Twitter or else we’ll tell your Mom! In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t even heard there was an Overwatch Holiday Event, then you can read all about it here! Happy Holidays from the whole DFTG crew!

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