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Overwatch Team Might Be Considering Banning One-Hero Players

One-Hero players

The world that Blizzard has created with their first FPS is one that has only continued to grow since its release. With a lovable cast of characters through a handful of classes to choose from, Overwatch players like to pick their favorite hero and stick by their side. Of course, this isn’t always possible due to other gamers being a part of the experience. In fact, there comes a time when nearly everyone has to switch it up in order to claim victory. Team composition is important, especially when it comes to competitive play, which is why a recent possible error may lead some to believe the developers are thinking of banning one-hero players.

Recently, top 500 Torbjorn player Fuey500 received an automated ban for what many believed to be one-tricking, the act of only picking one hero to play as. However, when the Overwatch devs responded, they said it was due to not communicating with the team. He also happens to be a popular streamer, and many of his fans have spoken out against the ban because they don’t see him as a toxic player.

Another player was also banned for what they thought was their one-trick style, but those commenting on the since-deleted Reddit post were quick to point out it was because of toxic behavior. All of this activity leads fans to think the Overwatch team is possibly considering banning one-hero players, but it begs the question: Is that really a bannable offense? It doesn’t seem that the developers really think so, but a bit of potential cryptic messaging can be found in their response to the matter:

I just wanted to chime in and make sure that everyone knows that we’re currently digging into the reports, investigating this ban, and thinking about how this type of situation affects specialized players and their teammates.

We take both sides of the issue very seriously. We believe that players should be able to choose their favorite heroes, but playing as a team (which includes building an effective team composition) is a core part of the Overwatch experience. It’s a delicate balance, and we’re still working on getting it right (and probably always will be).

If you’ve been playing Blizzard games for a while, you’ve probably heard us use the phrase “Play nice; play fair.” It’s like a mantra around the Blizzard campus, and it’s a big part of the way that we approach situations like this. People tend to focus on the “playing fair” part, but they forget about “playing nice.” Sometimes that means switching off at your teammates’ request, and sometimes that means working around your teammate’s specialization.

Either way, Overwatch is more fun when everyone is playing nice.

Thank you for your patience as we investigate this situation, and thank you for your passion/enthusiasm about Overwatch.”

With no official word being released from the Overwatch team regarding whether or not they are actually banning one-hero players, this is purely speculation at this point. However, if it is the route that they are taking, it might be wise to get comfortable with other heroes moving forward. Only time will tell.

Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other Overwatch news, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Do you believe that one-hero players should face some sort of consequences if they are unwilling to change their characters? Should it not matter as long as they are communicating with their teams? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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