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New Mass Effect Andromeda Patch is Live – Cinematics, Quests, Multiplayer, and More

Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch 1.04

Now that Mass Effect: Andromeda has been released to the world, all is right within the realm of video games. Okay, that certainly isn’t true. This has been made evident by the fact that the release of the latest installment has had a bit of a rocky start. The major problem that has been the focus of peoples’ concerns has been the animations within the video game. You can check that out here. There have been a few other hiccups along the way, however, such as audio, booting, and gameplay issues. Thankfully, Andromeda Patch 1.04 is here to fix some of these.

In a blog post on BioWare’s website, we learn of all the issues that the Andromeda patch is to fix. One of the main things it is addressing is the inability to land on Ark Natanus in singleplayer. For the multiplayer side of things, a fix has arrived to remedy the problem of hearing another player’s character audio instead of your own. An Early Access Patch has also been released to focus on a number of issues that have tripped up players in the EA/Origin Access 10-hour free trial of the game. The full list of patch notes are listed below:

Patch 1.04 


  • Fixed an issue whereby players were unable to land on Ark Natanus
  • Fixed an issue whereby the game loaded to a black screen or ran as a background process when Corsair Utility Engine or similar programs were running


  • Fixed an issue causing players to stop hearing their character’s audio and start hearing another player’s instead
  • Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when using the Human Male Soldier and F key

Early Access Patch


  • Overall performance improvements
  • Fixed an issue with the title only accepting input from the last controller synced when two controllers are assigned to the same profile
  • Fixed various collision issues
  • Fixed a few rare audio issues


  • Improvements to many cinematics, conversations, and other character interactions
  • Improved quest rewards
  • Fixed an issue whereby a door could become jammed in mission 5
  • Fixed issues with objective markers not appearing correctly
  • Minor performance improvements after some Tempest transitions
  • Fixed an issue whereby the combat music was not functioning as designed
  • Fixed some minor quest-related issues
  • Fixed a small cinematic issue during the Drack loyalty quest
  • Minor balancing change to the “Remove the Heart” quest
  • Improvements to quest tracking and waypoints


  • Improvements to Strike Teams UI screens
  • Additional multiplayer tutorials implemented
  • Balance changes to guns, reward packs, and objectives scoring
  • Improved appearance of character portraits
  • Added new artwork for MP characters, armor, and challenges in menus and codex entries

What say you, Pathfinders? Have you noticed any of these issues while playing, or have you been too in-the-zone while exploring the new galaxy? What issues do you hope the next Andromeda patch addresses? Let us know in the comments section below, or hop on over to our official Disqus to start a conversation with the DFTG staff and other like-minded individuals. For live gaming and entertainment news 24/7, be sure to follow us on Twitter. If it’s more Mass Effect reading that you’re needing, check out the following:

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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