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Release Date for Leviathan Raid Prestige Difficulty Announced for Destiny 2

The Return of the Iron Lord Iron Banner event will begin soon starting October 10th at 2AM PST and will last a short breath of a seconding and ending on October 17th. Two team of four players can compete as long as Guardians have completed the Destiny 2 campaign and reaching the Tower. More exciting news this week for Destiny 2 players in the house and it most certainly includes new raid information with news of a Leviathan raid prestige difficulty. As if it wasn’t hard enough.

For most players bouncing around in the game, Destiny 2‘s Leviathan is plenty challenging, but that hasn’t stopped Bungie and Activision from stepping it up for those seeking even more masochistic punishment from Calus. Starting Tuesday, October 10th at 10AM PST, prestige mode will become available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players. “The ultimate test of might and mettle. Enemies are stronger and smarter, new mechanics will require strategies,” reads the in-game description. “Recommended power: 300. Rewards: powerful gear.”

Destiny 2's Leviathan Raid

To warn Guardians of the impending challenging and possible rage-inducing, vein popping difficulty, the developers had this to say:

We do not expect everyone to be successful in completing this activity. Mechanical changes to the encounters are minimal, but they are there. The Prestige Raid is about mastering a more punishing sandbox. Our goal is not to provide a boon to your character progression, but there are unique rewards to help you shine.

Consider this your invitation to prove to the world that you are among the very best of the Raiders who overlook the City. World First will be counted. We can tell you no more. Good luck!”

In other words, try not to throw the controller and test out those skills! Destiny 2 seasons is also expected, but it wouldn’t be possible without a panel discussion on Twitch first on the CoolCat channel. So, friends, what are your thoughts on the Leviathan raid prestige announcement? Are you rubbing your hands together in anticipation or rolling around on the floor sobbing at the very idea? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers official Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as they happen, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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