Hearthstone Brings Holiday Cheer to Your Home (VIDEO)
The holidays are a wonderful time where friends and families get to spend time together sitting around, talking, and watching the flames of a warm fire crackle on a crystal clear High Definition screen! That’s right, it’s that time of year where the old “Yule Log” video is actually something people play, not so much for entertainment purposes but it does add quite the lovely atmosphere.
While looking for that perfect Yuletide Fireplace video to grace your home with this holiday season, I would like to pose a question. Would you rather settle for the classic Yule log burning brightly possibly with light music in the background and the sound of crackling logs as the flames lick back and forth? Or would you rather see the warm glow of burning logs reflecting off the Hearthstones and hear the sounds of your favorite fictional tavern whilst being serenaded by the melodic and festive tunes of a jolly little Murloc while he decorates for the holidays? The second choice? Yeah we thought so, and so did Blizzard when they quite possibly made the Yule Log the most fun it’s ever been! That’s right Blizzard has released a Hearthstone version of the classic Yule Log video to use this holiday season!
I can definitely say we at DFTG are going to be using this at some point during the holiday season. How about you, you up for almost an hour of happy festive Murloc music? If so why don’t you join in on the festivities and make your holiday season just a little more mystical. Until next time, check out this latest expansion for Hearthstone and Happy Holidays from everyone here at DFTG.
Luciano Cancilla106 Posts
Luciano has an undeniable passion for all things BioWare and has an enthusiastic perspective on the Gaming Industry. With a love for gaming, comics, and Geek Culture, you can always expect to have a good time nerding out.