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Shortly After Going Free-to-Play, New Battleborn PvP Mode Introduced

New Battleborn PvP mode

It was recently announced that Battleborn would be switching over to a free-to-play model. After a year on the market, Gearbox Software realized that the title wasn’t performing as well as they had hoped, and with a player base that was diminishing by the day, it was time to mix things up. The developer is attempting to do this by also introducing new ways to play. Supercharge is the new Battleborn PvP mode that is sure to pique a few players’ interest, and it is completely free.

Supercharge is the lovechild of the Meltdown and Capture game modes, and it is designed with smaller teams in mind. The new Battleborn PvP mode will see squads of three face one another to “earn APPEASEMENT POINTS from MINREC – the robotic god of minion destruction.” In this sense, it is much like Meltdown, but there is something new that has been added. “The team that owns the capture point “supercharges” their minion wave, adding tougher minions and more opportunities for scoring points!” In fact, below is a list of what the new mode offers:

3v3! – Smaller teams mean that you need to closely coordinate to get those minions to where MINREC wants them, while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. You’ll be doing more…and you’ll need to be a whole lot quicker.

New Maps! – Play on three brand new maps created and sized specifically for Supercharge: Ziggurat, Permafrost, and Horizon. These tightened-up battlefields will make those 3-on-3 fights even crazier.

New Challenges! Complete Supercharge-specific challenges for more titles, experience, and Credits!

Also detailed on the game’s website are a few tips and tricks on how to succeed at the new Battleborn PvP mode. Essentially, it all comes down to coordinating with your teammates, be on the lookout for the plethora of shards that around each map, and get to the center to capture that point as quickly as possible. There will also be a “MX.Elite Bot buildable that, when purchased, will walk towards your team’s lane and – if it makes its way to the grinder – your team will earn huge chunk of points and help change the tide of battle.” The Supercharge mode is available to play now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

What say you, gamers? Excited for the new Battleborn PvP mode? Since the game went free-to-play, has there been an increase in players, or is it too soon to notice? What else are you hoping Gearbox brings to the title? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7! If it’s more reading that you’re needing, check out the following:

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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