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Fortnite Season 5 Launch Date Announced


Fortnite’s new Playground LTM just dropped this morning alongside a rather massive update. A bounty of new features have found their way to the game, including dual pistols and the stopping of pesky edit peeking, which some people are surely going to miss. That said, Epic Games has wasted no time in revealing the start date for Season 5 of Fortnite.

Taking to Reddit, Epic announced when Season 5 will begin for the massively popular Battle Royale title. To start, Season 4 has been extended by two days, giving players more time to complete all of those challenges. Season 5 is set to drop at 4am ET on July 12th. In addition to this, the devs are also giving everyone an added boost to complete the current Battle Pass challenges.

“Want even more help earning those last few Battle Pass rewards,” Epic asks in their Reddit post. “We’ll be running a +100% match XP weekend starting June 29th at 4AM EDT (08:00 GMT) and ending on July 2nd at 3AM EDT (07:00 GMT). Hop in, catch up on challenges, and earn those Season 4 rewards while you can!”

As for the huge update that just dropped, here are a few highlights:


  • You’ll have one hour to create, play and train as you wish. Hop in and try out version 1 of Playground!
  • Drop into the Battle Royale map with a squad of friends for an hour
  • Friendly Fire is on
  • Players respawn on death unless killed by the storm
  • The storm doesn’t start closing in for 55m, and takes 5 minutes to close in
  • Resources gathered grant 10x the normal rate.
  • 100 Llamas will be spawned on the map
  • Chests & Ammo Boxes spawn 100% of the time

Weapons and Items

  • Dual Pistols Added
    • Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
      • 41-43 base damage.
    • Uses Medium Ammo.
    • Shoots both pistols with one pull of the trigger.
    • Can be found from floor loot, chests, and Supply Drops.
    • Does not use first shot accuracy.
  • Significant jumps that are landed with the Shopping Cart now appear in the elimination feed (height, distance, and time).
  • Weapon damage to structures now correctly scales with rarity.
  • Shotgun damage to structures has been reduced by 50% for Pump Shotgun, and 25% for both Tactical Shotgun and Heavy Shotgun.
  • Explosions now damage all structures within range, whether or not they are visible from the explosion center.
  • We’re making the following changes to further solidify the identities and strengths of Tactical and Silenced SMGs.
    • Tactical SMG
      • Removed first shot accuracy.
      • Increased base accuracy by 25%.
      • Lowered the sprinting accuracy penalty by 15%.
      • Lowered the ADS bonus by 10 %.
      • Increased damage by +2.
    • Silenced SMG
      • Increased base accuracy by 10%.
      • Increased ADS accuracy bonus by 20%.
      • Increased damage by +2.
  • Shotgun ammo now drops in stacks of 4 instead of 5.
  • Grenade Launcher visuals have been temporarily changed to shoot fireworks instead. This is a cosmetic change only.

Fortnite is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, and iOS devices. You can read the full patch notes right here, but keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as we learn more about the upcoming Season 5. For other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Have you completed all of your challenges in Season 4? What do you believe is next for Fortnite? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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