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Fortnite: Season 5 Cosmetic Items Revealed In Massive Leak


The time has come, gamers. The highly-anticipated Season 5 of Fortnite has arrived, and it has brought a plethora of new goodies for fans to enjoy. Golf carts, Vikings, rifts, a desert biome, and so much more have been added to the game, and we imagine Epic is just getting started. That said, a whole new season means an entirely fresh set of cosmetics to collect. Thanks to a recent leak, we now know what’s to come.

Dataminers Two Epic Buddies have done what they do best: datamined the latest information from Fortnite’s files. A bounty of new skins are inbound, as well as back bling, harvesting tools, emotes, and more. Check them out below:

If you ever come across a player using the Viking skin with the Penguin back bling and doing the Twist, you will have found me. It’s okay, just hit me with your harvesting tool. Needless to say, Season 5 is already off to a great start in Fortnite. Now that we know these cosmetics are coming to the game, the grind shall continue.

Speaking of the grind, the new season also brings about the next set of 75 days in which players will need to complete challenges, level up their Battle Pass, and try to complete it to get all of the glorious rewards. If you haven’t had the chance to check out our post, here are a few highlights of what is new in Season 5 of Fortnite Battle Royale:

Battle Royale 


  • All Terrain Kart (ATK)
    • The new All Terrain Kart (ATK) has room for your entire squad.
    • Get a speed boost after drifting.
    • The roof acts as a bounce pad.
    • Work together as rear passengers to leap over obstacles with the All Terrain Kart (ATK). Lean back and release at the same time for a higher jump.
      • Lean back by holding S on keyboards or holding back on the thumbstick for controllers.
  • Map Updated
    • New Biome: Desert
    • New Location: Paradise Palms
    • New Location: Lazy Links
    • A few unnamed POIs have also appeared across the island.
  • The center of Storm circles 7, 8, and 9 can now shift in random directions (instead of simply shrinking). As the storm closes in, it will move & shrink to the new location.
  • Starting in Season 5, progressive challenges will no longer be restricted to a single season. You can now complete progressive challenges at your own pace.
  • Progressive challenges are now completed by acquiring a fixed amount of XP and is no longer dependant on your season level.
  • Gyro/motion controls have been added to the Nintendo Switch. Adjust these options in the Settings menu.
  • Weekly challenges are now split into two sections, free and Battle Pass. The first 3 challenges will be available for free while the last 4 are only available if you own the Battle Pass. The threshold to unlock the weekly challenge reward will remain at 4.
  • Down But Not Out players now have smaller collision. Previously their collision was at the standing height which blocked DBNO players from crawling under doors and blocked building collision in some cases.
    • Players that were crouching when knocked Down But Not Out will be returned to a crouching state upon revival.
  • Emoting will now interrupt sprinting.
  • You now earn XP for reviving teammates in 50v50 and Teams of 20 LTMs up to three times per match (30XP, 10XP, 10XP).
  • Weapon reticle will now fade slightly when reloading, out of ammo, or changing weapons.
  • The player camera can now see out of the water when walking in lakes.

Fortnite is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, and iOS devices. Season 5 is live, so keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as our eyes remain open for any changes that happen in-game. If it’s other gaming goodness that you desire, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Are you ready to collect all of the wonderful cosmetic items in Season 5 of Fortnite Battle Royale? When do you believe we’ll see all of the shiny new goodies? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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