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For Honor Adds Lightsabers For Star Wars Day

For Honor Lightsabers Star Wars Day

May the 4th has arrived, which means Star Wars fans across the globe are celebrating the long-running franchise in glorious fashion. From holding movie marathons to cosplaying as their favorite characters, there’s no stopping anyone from enjoying Star Wars Day. That said, it appears that Ubisoft decided to jump in on the celebration by adding lightsabers to For Honor, which was a complete surprise to players.

In a secret patch that nobody was privy to, Ubisoft snuck lightsabers into For Honor without anyone noticing. That is, of course, until they did notice. Once it was known, players were off to do battle with their new lightsabers, and they have been posting some of their adventures over on the For Honor subreddit.

Man this little secret event is dope from r/forhonor

Everything looks cooler with lightsabers, especially when it comes to something like Ubisoft’s For Honor. In addition to the sword alterations themselves, the sounds of the iconic weapon from the Star Wars franchise were also added to the mix. Needless to say, fans have been having a ton of fun to celebrate Star Wars Day in For Honor.

For Honor is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Unfortunately, just like nobody knew the lightsabers were inbound, we also don’t know when Ubisoft will be removing them from the game. Keep it tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers as this story develops, and for other gaming goodness going on right now, check out the following:

What say you, gamers? Would you love to see Ubisoft keep the lightsabers around in For Honor? What are you doing to celebrate Star Wars Day this year? Sound off in the comments section below, and be sure to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7!


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