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Disney Princesses Return to Play More Dungeons & Dragons (VIDEO)

disney princesses

Tabletop gaming has seen a resurgence these past few years thanks to the internet, with the classic staple of the hobby Dungeons & Dragons front and center. It has been evident with the popularity of shows like The Adventure Zone and Critical Role that the tabletop giant will remain a favorite for new generations. Also a perennial internet favorite are the Disney princesses. The classic characters were seen playing Dungeons & Dragons in a video just a few months ago, and now the second installment of the Damsels, Dice and Everything Nice series has brought more tabletop Disney fun.

The second episode of the series was recently uploaded to the Damsels, Dice and Everything Nice YouTube channel. It begins with a bit of metahumor, with the group of princesses all comedically forgetting where their adventure left off from the last session, referencing the months it has been since the last episode in real life.

Much of this session for the princess’s campaign takes place inside of a tavern that promises the start of a big adventure for the group. However, a large bar brawl ensues, with Rapunzel cleverly referencing the bar brawl she found herself caught in the middle of during the events of Tangled. There is also a final reveal joke that is quite unexpected, but brilliantly delivered. The video is quite an enjoyable return to the concept of the Disney princesses playing Dungeons & Dragons, and hopefully this video is a critical hit, so that more episodes will see the light of day.

What do you guys think about this return of the Disney Princesses to Dungeons & Dragons? Let us know in the comments below! Be sure to stay tuned for the latest tabletop gaming news, such as the newest Dungeons and Dragons supplement, here on Don’t Feed the Gamers! Follow us on Twitter to see our updates the minute they go live!

Cory Lara2137 Posts

A royally radical and totally tubular 90s kid, Cory has a passion for all things nerdy, particularly gaming and nostalgia. While an accountant by day, he strives to be as creative and humorous as possible in his free time, be it here writing on Don't Feed the Gamers, or making dumb satirical posts on his Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram accounts.


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