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Destiny 2 Solar Subclass Getting Major Rework For Season Of The Dawn

solar subclasses destiny 2

Bungie is committing to a major rework of Destiny 2’s Solar subclasses and it’s coming soon! Slated to debut at the commencement of the Season of the Dawn event the developers plan to “freshen up” the three subclasses by revamping ability trees by replacing, buffing, or adding tweaks here and there.

Starting with Way of the Sharpshooter, Bungie went in with the intent to make this subclass a more viable choice for players instead of one people chose only for specific activities. They also wanted it to be “more active and rewarding” to play. As for Code of the Devestator, the team realized it was underperforming during PvP and made changes in order for the class to be more competitive.

Last but not least, the developers wanted to take advantage of Attunement of Sky’s “air superiority” and create a “flying angel who can maneuver with grace and destroy its foes below.” For the official analysis on the upcoming rework, check the Destiny 2 blog here and get the gist of it below:

Gunslinger: Way of the Sharpshooter (Bottom Path)

  • 3-shot auto-aim distance and reliability increased when aiming down sights
  • 6-shot’s damage falloff shortened
  • Weighted Knife: High-damage knife throw with a long wind up. Travels at high speeds, bounces once, and does extra damage to the head. Precision shot final blows recharge the melee completely. One-hit precision final blow in PvP.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: (QoL):  Lasts longer but gives a bit less energy per second. Precision hits grant two stacks.
  • Knock ’em Down: Precision final blows increase weapon stability and ADS speed. Timer starts at 10 seconds but any additional final blow/assists can increase it up to 25 seconds. Casting your Super with this buff above 20 seconds consumes the buff and grants extra damage. (Does not stack with Celestial Nighthawk).
  • Line ’em Up: (QoL): Old perks from Crowd Pleaser are now part of this perk. (Golden Gun can cause precision damage and precision shots generate orbs of light).

Sunbreaker: Code of the Devastator (Middle Path)

  • Throwing Hammer: Increased impact damage from 100 to 120 and increased hammer pick-up radius from 2m to 3.5m. Adjusted hammer throw animations to fit a more damaging attack.
  • Roaring Flames: Increased damage bonus from 10% per stack to 25% per stack in PvP, and increased duration from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Burning Maul: Increased duration from 21.2 seconds to 28.5 seconds
    • Light Attack: Reduced light attack energy cost from 5% to 3%. Adjusted the animation so that it flows seamlessly into chained light attacks without stopping.
    • Heavy Attack: Ground Slam attack now detonates when it detects enemies above it. Detonation radius was increased to make landing attacks more consistent. Increased energy cost from 6% to 8%.

Dawnblade: Attunement of Sky (Top Path)

  • Celestial Fire (Melee): Send a spiral of three explosive Solar projectiles.
  • Heat Rises: (Rework) Consume your grenade to extend Glide time and dramatically reduce the in-air accuracy penalties for weapons.
  • Winged Sun (Rework): Fire weapons, use Celestial Fire, and throw grenade while gliding. Airborne final blows grant melee energy and extend the duration of Heat Rises.
  • Icarus Dash (Rework): Tap (Crouch) twice to dodge in midair. Dodging in Daybreak accelerates players farther and costs less Super energy while under the effects of Heat Rises.
    • Added note: Due to the nature of these reworks, Wings of Sacred Dawn received a buff where it gains 15% damage resistance while Tome of Dawn is active.

Likely one of the most controversial adjustments the developers will make to Attunement of Sky is the nerf to Burst Glide, decreasing the speed in which it accelerates in Daybreak.”We know this is a controversial change but we wanted to reserve the air superiority gameplay with Attunement of Sky and the Burst Glide speed was blurring the lines between both Daybreak paths,” said community manager Cozmo.

Despite the multitude of changes, Cozmo assures the community that they aren’t mean to create an entirely new subclass. “It means that we took the root of the gameplay fantasies for those subclasses and either expanded on what was already there or shifted some of the existing attributes closer to their fantasy,” reads the official statement. “In some cases, entire perks were changed to help further the gameplay role and fantasy of those subclasses.”

That’s a ton to ingest, but it sounds like Bungie wants expand gameplay offerings in Destiny 2. It sucks when players are forced to pick a particular subclass because it is usually the better choice all around, but it looks like team wants to make them all viable in their own way.

What do you think of all the changes coming to the Solar subclass in Destiny 2? Are you on board for Season of the Dawn? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming and entertainment news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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