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Call Of Duty WWII Addresses Fixes To Weapons, Including ADS Timing

When it comes to first person shooters, the person who has the fastest reaction time will likely get the most amount of kills. However, sometimes game mechanics on some weapons prevent players from getting the bead on another player. The team over at Sledgehammer games have been recently looking into such issues with weapons where fans of the game have been requesting them to take action. In their latest Call of Duty WWII update, the team looks into many issues relating to weapons including fixes, balances, and improving ADS (aim down sight) timing.

Call of Duty WWII Update

Below are all of the details in the latest Call of Duty WWII update:


  • Buffed base ADS times and buffed ADS in from sprint times (ADS sprint out times match ADS from sprint times)


  • Buffed base ADS transition times, but not ADS from sprint times/ADS sprint out times, in an effort to maintain a difference between the SMG and AR class playstyles

Snipers: Kar98k and M1903

  • Nerfed ADS transition times (a slight quickscoping nerf)


  • Buffed base ADS times

Note: Base ADS times for SMGs are faster than Rifles, and Rifles are faster than LMGs. In other words, there is now more of a distinction between class playstyles.



  • Buffed recoil in an effort to have a more competitive SMG on par with the PPSh-41

FG 42

  • Nerfed fire rate so that the damage output is more in line with other weapons in its class


  • Buffed recoil in an effort to make it more manageable to shoot down range and give a better contrast to the M1 Garand
  • Nerfed hip spread to match the M1 Garand’s in an effort to decrease the ability to quickly kill opponents at closer ranges


  • Buffed fire rate in an effort to make it a more competitive choice amongst the other rifles (still slightly slower than the Gewehr 43)

Gewehr 43

  • Buffed fire rate in an effort to make it a more competitive choice amongst the other rifles (still slightly faster than M1A1)
  • Buffed recoil (closer to that of M1A1)
  • Buffed clip size to be 12 rounds per clip instead of 10

M30 Luftwaffe Drilling

  • Buffed damage per pellet to be on par with the recent Sawed-Off Shotgun changes so that this shotgun now has a more automatic 2-shot kill and a slightly more forgiving one-shot kill
  • Buffed shotgun damage range, so that it’s now more feasible to finish off an opponent who didn’t die from a rifle bullet
  • Buffed ADS spread to allow for greater accuracy when shooting enemies that are outside of the obvious shotgun range (while ADS)

Toggle Action

  • Buffed clip size to be 8 shots per clip instead of 6 in an effort to allow players to have more success with this weapon
  • Nerfed ADS spread to be on par with other shotguns (besides the M30)

The latest update is now live and Call of Duty WWII is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

What do you think of the latest Call of Duty WWII patch? What else would you like to see added or corrected in the game? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

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Matt Ruppert715 Posts

Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.


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