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World of Warcraft Is Adding A Giant Roller Coaster, Because Why Not? (VIDEO)

World of Warcraft Is Adding A Giant Roller Coaster, Because Why Not? (VIDEO)

As always, the first week of the upcoming month brings the Darkmoon Faire to World of Warcraft, an event that lets WoW players fool around and earn tickets that can be spent on heirlooms, nifty transmog gear, and more. Blizzard is planning something a bit more involved this time around, though, with the addition of the brand new Darkmoon Roller Coaster.

Now available on the PTR, the Darkmoon Roller Coaster appears to be a rickety, ramshackle thing with a large eye that keeps watch while players are enjoying the festivities. The roller coaster will be making its way over to the live servers in the upcoming .1.5 update. The folks over at Wowhead released a YouTube video showing off the PoV ride, which can be seen below:

Riding the roller coaster doesn’t just temporarily take players’ minds off their existential dread, though. As with the Darkmoon Carousel, those that ride it gain the temporary ‘WHEE!’ buff, which boosts experience and reputation gains by 10% for a time period depending on how long they are on the attractions, up to an hour max. Not a terrible waste of time, though you’d likely gain more exp just by going out and doing things rather than hanging around the makeshift carnival.

In other World of Warcraft news, fans can also look forward to seeing a walking tribute to the man, the myth, the legendary Stan Lee once update 8.1.5 hits the live servers. Currently on the PTR, there is an NPC that goes by the name of Stanley that roams around Stormwind Keep, ready to throw some feels your way should you pay him a visit.

World of Warcraft and its latest expansion, Battle for Azeroth, is now available on PC.

So, thoughts on the Darkmoon Roller Coaster? Plan on trying it out once it hits the live servers? Let us know in the comments section below, and as always, stay tuned to Don’t Feed the Gamers for all the latest gaming and entertainment news! Don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for our 24/7 news feed!

Ryan "Cinna" Carrier3026 Posts

Ryan is the Lead Editor for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he isn't writing, Ryan is likely considering yet another playthrough of Final Fantasy IX. He's also the DFTG cinnamon bun.


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