Star Citizen Regional Servers Arriving Ahead of Schedule

Star Citizen’s overwhelming success as a crowd-funded project has been rewarding beyond original expectations for its fans as it has for Cloud Imperium Games, the developer of the game. The project has reached over $141 million in funding, which has allowed the developer to generously reward gaming audiences in the past, such as when it made the game available for free last October. Now, another grand gesture is being made that fans were not expecting, as Star Citizen regional servers will be available ahead of the previously announced schedule.
A new update by Chris Roberts, the game’s creator, in the latest official Star Citizen newsletter has announced that Alpha 2.6.1. patch is progressing ahead of schedule. As an added bonus, the developers have been able to make regional servers available earlier than previously anticipated. The servers, which will be North American, European and Australian specific, will allow for players to have the best connection performance by accessing the server in their region. After implemented, tests will be run to see if any further regions will need servers. Roberts was also quick to thank fans of the game, many of whom he saw at the recent Pax South event, by saying:
Thanks to everyone who showed their support for Star Citizen last weekend at both PAX South and the community-organized Bar Citizen event in San Antonio, TX. It’s just another example of how dedicated and inspiring our fanbase can be. In fact, we’ve been looking for more ways to to bring the community front and center.”
This certainly seems like a nice gesture on Cloud Imperium’s part, which their fans definitely deserve. What do you guys think? Are you happy to see the Star Citizen regional servers arrive early? What features would you like to see come to the game soon? Let us know in the comments below!
Be sure to stay tuned for the latest Star Citizen news, such as the new permaban policy for cheaters in the game, here on Don’t Feed the Gamers!
Cory Lara2137 Posts
A royally radical and totally tubular 90s kid, Cory has a passion for all things nerdy, particularly gaming and nostalgia. While an accountant by day, he strives to be as creative and humorous as possible in his free time, be it here writing on Don't Feed the Gamers, or making dumb satirical posts on his Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram accounts.