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Canceled Netflix Show Sense8 Returning for a 2 Hour Special Finale Episode (VIDEO)

Earlier in the month, Netflix announced the unfortunate cancellation of the beloved TV show Sense8 and the community that supported and loved the television series were outraged. So much so, in fact, that shortly after the news broke a petition was created in an attempt to bring it back. Although the creators were tremendously grateful, there was no way of turning back the tide. As a compromise to the backlash the streaming service and production company has garnered, Sense8 is returning for a 2 hour special finale episode. There’s even an announcement video to celebrate the occasion. Check it out below:

While this may be a silver lining in the midst of bad news, this does not mean that the series will be returning for the long haul. Well, at least for the time being. According to Lana Wachowski, one of the creators behind the show Sense8, the team tried to negotiate with Netflix and see if there was a way to renew a season despite the official declaration. For the time being, there is nothing in the pipeline, but her message to the community sounded hopeful. Here’s what Wachowski had to say on the matter, addressing the overwhelming support and love they have been shown and the steps taken since:

It’s unclear as to why such a popular series was canceled, but it is highly possible that it was a matter of finances and production cost. According to a Verge report, rough estimates state that each episode ran 9 million dollars to create. That’s no small sum. Sense8 will return for the 2 hour special finale episode sometime in 2018. Exact dates have not yet been finalized.

Aside from the cancellation of the series, what are your thoughts on the entire situation? Do you believe that it should be brought back even after the airing of the special finale episode or should it remain as is? Feel free to leave any thoughts in the comments section below or start your own conversation on Don’t Feed the Gamers official Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming and related news 24/7, follow us on Twitter! Here are some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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