PUBG’s Third Map, Sanhok, Enters Fourth Round Of Testing – Details Here

The third map coming to the world of PUBG hasn’t left testing phases yet, but for those that have missed out on the more tropical environment experienced in Sanhok – there’s good news! The team behind the record breaking battle royale title have announced that they are doing yet another round of testing for the third map on PC as they continue to make vast improvements based off of player feedback. If you missed the first three testing rounds, here’s what you need to know:
May 31, 7pm PDT / June 1, 4am CEST / June 1, 11am KST
June 4, 4am PDT / June 4, 1pm CEST / June 4, 8pm KST
If you already own PUBG on Steam, simply download the updated version of the PUBG: Experimental Server to take part and see the changes for yourself. As mentioned in their previous developer letter to fans:
“The biggest content drop coming in the near future is Sanhok. We’re aiming to bring it to live servers before the end of June, and development on the map won’t stop there. We’re planning new exclusive vehicles and an exclusive weapon for Sanhok, each of which will drop sometime in the month after the map officially launches. Among these is a big fan request: a drivable three-wheeled vehicle we’re currently calling the Tukshai.”
They also discussed how the previous testing periods shaped the new map and how player feedback will continue to play a huge part in how it is brought into the game, “In many ways, Sanhok’s test servers have become a place for us to experiment with all sorts of changes and features, including dynamic weather, a variety of circle systems, and weapon spawn behavior. We’ll continue to test out changes during the upcoming test cycle.”
“We’re also excited to show off the work that our worldbuilding team has been doing to make Sanhok our most beautiful map yet. For instance, one person on the team has spent countless hours touching up the island’s various rocks and cliffaces, adding moss to those near water:”
The team is focused on making literally every inch of Sanhok perfect for players, whether it’s the texture on a rock wall or little unique trimmings around each of the islands houses. Every detail matters, and the team is eager to get feedback from you guys during the latest test. “
It’s clear they are working hard on making the latest map the best it can possibly be with its sandy beaches and tropic environment. After the recent backlash following undocumented changes, it’s good to see them return to transparency while also being thorough with Sanhok’s development.
What do you think about how the Steam version of the game is coming along? What would you hope they bring to the new map in future updates? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out DFTG on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!
Matt Ruppert715 Posts
Navy Veteran with a penchant for the FPS genre, Chewy has all aspects of the gaming community covered. Don't expect to see him on a console any time soon, however - though he has experience in all platforms, the PC Master Race has a firm hold on him.