Portal’s Mysterious Doug Rattmann Discovered in Lego Dimensions Easter Egg
For those who have not delved into the world of Lego Dimensions, you may be unaware of what this world has to offer. Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, Ghost Busters, and even Portal 2 are among the worlds you can visit and interact with. The game is so expansive that there are still, as of yet, things people haven’t discovered in the “year one” release of the game. Having discovered this information, people have set out to find any Lego Dimensions Easter egg, where ever it may be.
One such hunter found several of these Lego Dimensions Easter Eggs in the Portal 2 portion of the game. “Doug Rattmann”, a survivor of GlaDOS nerve gas attack on Aperture Science “Enrichment Center” is the hidden gem of this level, and he pops up irregularly through out the course of exploring the dimension.
YouTuber Disney Dan is accredited for discovering Doug with the aid of community members and even a few people on the development team giving hints along the way. What was discovered is that Doug Rattmann, besides being possibly insane, is also incredibly shy. You can catch instances of him in the video below, along with explanations of how to find this Lego Dimensions Easter egg:
Anyone familiar with Portal lore knows that Doug is responsible for much of the graffiti in the game and the famous line “The Cake Is a Lie”. Delve a little deeper and you might discover that Doug is the the programmer who doubts that the “mortality core” will be enough to stop GLaDOS from being the malicious yet snarky test robot she is. He eventually becomes a bit of an Aperture rat (EH? Because Rattmann…?) as players discover his hideaways, with little sleeping nests and wall art that is sometimes funny, and sometimes disturbing.
Part of the trouble with finding Doug in the game, and why it has taken so long, is that he tends to be in odd, out of the way places. In order to find this Lego Dimensions Easter egg in once instance, you have to flying there with your vehicle. If you don’t have a speed boost you wont see him before he disappears, but if you’re lucky you’ll see him run across a back corner of a ceiling for a moment before he’s gone again. In another, he appears in the opening of a malfunctioning door for a moment, and in another he peeks his head out from behind a broken wall.
Regardless of the trouble it is to get there, this Lego Dimensions Easter egg will certainly make you the clever one, and GLaDOS the potato one. It speaks volumes of the development that there are still things to uncover as Lego Dimensions prepares to release their “Year Two” wave of products and game add-ons. We’re excited to see what else Lego Dimensions has hidden away!
Have you found any cool or interesting Lego Dimensions Easter eggs? Sound off in the comments bellow!
Charles Douglas734 Posts
Deep in the mountains of the south west lives a man who writes game editorials, makes YouTube Videos, and is an overall mega nerd. An avid believer in Unicorns, and your new all star line backer, Number 34, CHARLES DOUGLAAAAAAASSSS!!!!