Nintendo Stocks Drop After Negative Reviews Surrounding Super Mario Run Release

After a weak release for Nintendo fans, Super Mario Run has delivered the mega-gaming company quite a blow to its financial ego since its initial launch, not as if they can’t recover. Reported in by Bloomberg, Nintendo Stocks took an 11 point hit after the release of the costly mobile title for IPhone users. With an overall rating of 2.5 out of 5 on the App store, Super Mario Run has left quite a lot to be desired for fans, which doesn’t bode well for the company’s first official foray into mobile gaming.
Super Mario Run definitely had high hopes for breaking the classic mold and reaching out to customers who didn’t have Nintendo consoles. Unfortunately, the disappointment for its launch is palpable for the franchise and leaves somewhat of a bitter taste in the mouths of those who invested in the game’s release. Clocking in at $9.99, initial customer complaints stated that it was just too much to unlock many of the useful features (like levels) in order to get anywhere in the game. With such a steep price for a mobile game (keyword being mobile, because let’s face it, Nintendo titles generally have a high price for good reason), it’s not surprising to find that customers are tentative to try it out.
Granted, you can price out the game at about $.50 per level once it’s completely unlocked, which doesn’t seem so bad, but it can still seem like quite the chunk of pocket change when compared to its popular competitor, Minecraft.
Now that’s not to say we’re dissuading you from giving the game a try. Far from it! The first three levels are still free to play as a demo, and being that Super Mario Run rocketed to the Top Grossing Apps since its launch a few days ago, it could still be worth it to try the title out and make a decision for yourself.
Unfortunately, if you’re not an Apple user, it’ll be awhile before you can give this game a go. Perhaps Android users have the luxury of waiting until the financial bugs have been worked out before getting to try the game for themselves. Only time will truly tell.
What do you think of the change in Nintendo stocks since Super Mario Run’s release? Have you given the game a try for yourselves? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and game on!
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