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New Paradox Game from Tropico Devs ‘Surviving Mars’ Puts Players on the Red Planet (VIDEO)

Surviving Mars

The developers behind the city-building Tropico series announced that they are releasing a new game called Surviving Mars. Haemimont Games describes the title as a “management strategy game” and it will be published by Paradox Interactive. The publisher said in a press release recently,

The new game challenges players to plan and build a functioning colony on Mars, balancing inhabitants’ basic survival needs with sanity and quality of life, all while dealing with the hostile environment of the red planet.”

Check out the trailer below for all the hype:

As you can see in the trailer above, although the narrator is speaking in a very collected, serious tone, the background characters are being slightly silly. Hopefully that means the playful antics will help the players almost cope with the serious challenges of the game. Surviving Mars will be available on Xbox One, PS4, Windows PC, Mac, and Linux. The CEO of Haemimont says that they believe this unique game will challenge players in the best way.

We feel that strategy and management games are at their best when they let the player experience the unique story being told by their decisions, and Surviving Mars is going to have that in a big way. Your colonists aren’t just working to improve production, they’re struggling to survive, and their conflicts and concerns are intense. Surviving Mars lets you understand what your colonists are dealing with on an individual level, and coming up with creative plans for those needs will be a new challenge for our fans.

 The CEO of Paradox Interactive Fredrik Wester explains that the company is very happy to be working as a team with Haemimont on a game like Surviving Mars, which according to Steam is set for release some time in 2018.

We’ve wanted to work with Haemimont Games for years, and it looks like the stars have finally aligned. Expanding our management-strategy catalog has been something we’ve wanted to do for some time, after the successful launch of Cities: Skylines and building the player community around that genre. Finding a developer who shares our core design tenets is always gratifying, but with Haemimont and Surviving Mars we’re going to be giving our players a new experience that’s uniquely their own, and I’m looking forward to hearing the tales of triumph and catastrophe from our community.”

What do the players think of Surviving Mars? Let us know in the comment section below and then head over to the DFTG Twitter page for all the hottest gaming news 24/7! Did you hear that Harvest Moon Light of Hope was confirmed? Read about it here!

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